From the Batcave to the Justice League Watchtower, it’s hard to be a superhero without having a lair. They serve not only as a base of operations and a place of quiet when characters need rest from their hectic adventures, but as a place to store valuable information, and even prepare for future missions.
Some lairs are more obvious and ostentatious, like Titans Tower which literally exists in the shape of a giant “T” near San Francisco. Other places, most barely even know exist. This offers characters a better chance at protection from being discovered by villains— or heroes, for those high-level supervillains who happen to have their own confidential headquarters.
9 Nightwing Managed To Turn A Museum Into His Secret Lair
During the late 2000s, Dick Grayson decided he needed a change of scenery and began operating in New York. Well aware he needed his own location to work from, Dick decided to work at the Cloisters Museum, becoming the place’s curator.
He worked with John Stewart to have the building re-designed so it could double as a superhero base, with the Justice Society rebuilding it entirely. He operated out of this museum for months before going back to Gotham not long before they believed Bruce Wayne to be dead.
8 Rock of Eternity Was The Home For The Wizard Shazam
The Rock of Eternity was formed several thousand years ago and serves as the holding cell for the Seven Deadly Sins. It manages to be both a separate area of existence as well as a hidden location where the Wizard Shazam lived for millennia.
Over the centuries, the Rock of Eternity has been inhabited by a number of powerful wizards, from Ibis the Invincible to Captain Marvel himself. Someone is always there to be on guard, in case the Sins make an attempt to escape.
7 Oolong Island Was A Hidden Island For Mad Scientists
Oolong Island was originally introduced in Wonder Woman comics back in the ’60s, where it was initially a part of the People’s Republic of China. But during the weekly series 52, the island became a sovereign nation.
Over several years, Oolong became home to some of the most dangerous mad scientists, where they were allowed to do any experiments they liked. They created weapons for the sake of criminal organization Intergang, though they would eventually anger Black Adam by attacking and destroying his family.
6 Challengers Mountain Was An Actual Mountain To Work From
The Challengers of the Unknown aren’t talked about these days, as the basic concept behind them fell out of favor. That said, they had one of the coolest secret lairs ever: a literal mountain named after them.
Within the mountain they not only had their own rooms, but a customized gym, a laboratory, and a hangar for their vehicles. They even got their own library. This is one of the most lavish locations any super team has ever had, considering they were never as big of a super team as the Justice League or the Teen Titans.
5 Tower of Fate Exists Outside Of Space & Time
Most magical heroes don’t actually have a base of their own, as they’re far too ostentatious. But for someone known as Dr. Fate, being over the top isn’t as much of an issue.
The Tower of Fate is the home to Kent and Inza Nelson. Bigger on the inside than the outside, it’s a massive fortress with no way to enter unless guided into the location by Dr. Fate himself. Even finding the location is only possible if someone is aware of where it is, but since it exists outside of space-time that isn’t exactly an easy path for most.
4 Hall of Doom Was Designed By Lex Luthor & Hid In The Location Slaughter Swamp
Most people remember this location from the Super Friends cartoon. It was the place the Legion of Doom got to hang out and come up with their ideas to take down the Super Friends.
The location allowed them to travel through time, shoot energy blasts, and could even be flown to other locations. But this base made a re-appearance in the Justice League comic book when Scott Snyder took over the series, making it into the base of operations for Lex Luthor’s Legion of Doom.
3 Batcave Is Hidden Underneath Wayne Manor
Make all the jokes about the giant penny, but there’s no denying Batman has one of the coolest secret lairs ever in the Batcave. Originally it was simply a place to store the Batmobile and Batplane, and Wayne Manor contained everything Batman and Robin needed to operate.
Sooner or later, though, they had too much equipment and too many trophies, and would eventually move into the cave below the mansion. Over the years, the Batcave has been home to several heroes, and has become the first place people think of when they think of hidden lairs.
2 Justice League Satellite Was Located Thousands Of Miles Above The Equator
The Justice League have had bases in outer space for years now. Though they originally relied on a location known literally as the Secret Sanctuary, eventually that was discovered and they were forced to move.
When they did, they created a base 22,300 miles above the equator, locked in satellite orbit. People would teleport to and from the League base, and the heroes would often watch over Earth on monitor duty. Their first satellite base lasted for fourteen years before it was destroyed by an attack from some Martians.
1 Legion World Was A Literal Cloaked Planet
The Legion of Super-Heroes has always been a team that was too big for it’s own good. The team has contained dozens of members as they operate more like a club than a traditional superhero team, and invite people from different planets to join as representatives for a united galaxy.
In The Legion though, they finally made space for everyone by constructing a literal planet that they privately funded with the help of RJ Brande. The planet was able to replicate habitats of homeworlds and was hidden with advanced cloaking tech to keep the whole team safe.
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