DC Comics Doubles Down on Trans-Pandering with Tom Taylor’s Help

Newsarama says far-left scribe Tom Taylor is collaborating with a transsexual actor from the Supergirl TV show to translate the character of Nia Nal to his political-activist Son of Kal-El series:
Supergirl’s Nia Nal, AKA Dreamer, is coming to the comic book DC Universe, in a story co-written by the actor who played her on the CW series – Nicole Maines.
Maines will join writer Tom Taylor for July’s Superman: Son Of Kal-El #13, to bring DC’s first transgender superhero from live-action to the DC Universe for the first time.
While DC is billing this appearance as Dreamer’s DCU debut, she did previously appear in comic book form in June 2021’s DC Pride anthology in a story written by Maines. […]
And that’s not all the bad news. Another report says a voice actor from the Batman cartoons has contributed to their latest pride propaganda:
DC Pride 2022, the 104-page prestige format comic, publishes on May 3. The special features an introduction by transgender rights activist and Supergirl actress Nicole Maines along with a teaser of her upcoming DC project and a “personal story” – ‘Finding Batman’ – by actor Kevin Conroy, the iconic voice of Batman in Batman: The Animated Series, along with artists J. Bone and Aditya Bidika.
Most curious this is all they care about, and not say, aiding Ukraine after what Russia’s done to them in the past month or so. This decidedly embarrasses the Batman cartoon series in retrospect, and establishes Conroy as a political activist, another Hollyweird type who can’t resist participation in propagandizing. And Newsarama should also be ashamed for refusing to cover this news objectively, and ask whether it’s healthy practice, which it most certainly isn’t.
Originally published here.