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DC: 10 Times Superman Wasted His Potential


Superman may be DC’s standout superhero but even the Man of Steel has sometimes wasted his potential in the comics.

Clark Kent is the most powerful being on the planet as Superman and yet with all this power it is easy to see that he has yet to use that great power to solve a plethora of real-world issues. While the comics have the Man of Steel fight various villains and save the day, there are so many issues that never seem to cross anyone’s mind.

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Alongside battling crazy alien dictators like Mongul, or maddened kryptonite cyborgs like Metallo, Clark could use his powers to save and even advance humanity in so many ways, yet he never does so because of a self-made rule where he cannot interfere due to his alien heritage.

10 Clark Could Cure Cancer If He Wanted To

Superman's x-ray vision fails to see through lead

It is often underestimated just how intelligent Clark is. He can process an incredible amount of information far faster than any human and can approach complex problem-solving in a far more efficient manner. As a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and as a superhero who constantly has to deal with otherworldly technology, Clark has proven that he can use his brain as much as his brawn. Alongside being able to view the world at a cellular and even sub-atomic scale, he could use his abilities to cure many of the world’s most dangerous diseases.

9 He Could Battle The 1%

Superman 78

Beating up bank robbers and thugs is one thing, and it does protect people in the short view, but it never fixes the problem at the source. Homelessness and crime partially originate from the abuse of those in power. Especially in a city like Metropolis, where it is noted to have incredibly high housing prices, and even a district that is quite literally called the Suicide Slums. To help the people who suffer the most from both corporate and political crimes, Clark would need to direct his efforts towards exposing and imprisoning the very people who put the criminals on the street.

8 Battling Terrorism Is Nothing Compared To Darkseid

Superman Hall of Justice

Clark would be able to battle terrorism all over the world far more efficiently than any army. With his speed and durability, he could search entire countries in a matter of minutes, and find the leaders of these various factions. Guerrilla warfare wouldn’t be a problem when the man battling it can see even the smallest detail.

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Clark could easily capture terrorists and disband factions in far less time than any country and use far fewer resources in the process and present far less danger to civilians.

7 He Could End Global Pollution

Superman Basks In The Yellow Sun

Instead of burying trash in landfills or damaging the ozone layer with giant furnaces, the trash could simply be flown into the sun and be dealt with. With Superman’s powers, this could be a regular occurrence and cost no resources. Entire oceans can be cleared of plastic and sea life could have more room to grow. The number of environmental problems that could be solved in under a decade with the Man of Steel’s help is staggering the more you being to think about it.

6 Space Travel Could Advance So Far With His Tech

Superman flying in space

The Justice League frequently travels into deep space for various missions. Yet, they never share this kind of advanced technology with the rest of the world. Clark literally arrived on Earth in a spaceship. Not wanting the technology to fall into the wrong hands is one thing, but denying the people access to technology that could potentially help and advance their society is asinine. Humans could join the growing galactic community and gain access to technology that could help people in their society and improve the standard of living.

5 Refusing To Interfere Is As Bad As Not Doing Anything

Clark has always had the rule that he can only act as a guide for humanity, and never interfere with their politics. However, choosing to sit on the sidelines while people from all over the world are being subjugated is absurd. To simply allow the world to fall to pieces when you know that you have more than enough power to save it is a ridiculous rule to have set for yourself and it greatly limits his options when it comes to tackling problems that aren’t alien invaders.

4 He Allows Countries To Attack Minorities

As minorities are persecuted around the world, Clark sits by and allows this to happen due to his rule of no interference. While he may give the odd speech as to why these things are obviously wrong, he does not actually do anything to protect people. He allows these abhorrent acts to continue while talking about truth, justice, and the American way.

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The amount of people that Clark doesn’t help because of his own personal rules is almost frightening.

3 He Could Explore The Deepest Portions Of The Ocean


The lowest depths of the oceans are still a mystery to us. The incredibly dense pressures and low-light environments mean that no person or drone can observe anything at that depth. Clark’s powers would allow him to survive those pressures and his incredible telescopic vision could see through the darkness and observe all kinds of undersea life and formations. With his powers, Humanity would finally be able to chart the entirety of our planet. Even the Earth’s most hazardous regions would be powerless to stop him.

2 Consistent Optimism Isn’t Always A Good Thing

Always giving an inspiring speech and saying that everything will turn out fine isn’t as inspiring as you’d think if you’re told that regardless of what happens. Those speeches about being better and improving as Humans don’t work on those who won’t listen. As seen in the real world, some people don’t care about improving things, and in Alfred’s words ‘Some men just like to watch the world burn.’ To believe that simply standing on a podium to say that humanity can be better feels condescending when it’s told by the same person with the powers of Superman.

1 Having Faith In Humanity To Find The Path To Peace Was A Stupid Idea

In the entire history of Superman comics, the people of Earth have never once heeded his advice or followed his examples. To idly stand by with all that power and simply wait for people to be better only allowed for further room for people like Lex Luthor to grow their criminal empire and manipulate the public to make himself president. Clark’s boundless, but blind faith in Humanity is part of the reason he doesn’t blend well with modern audiences as they can see his hypocrisy.

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