The Teen Titans are one of the greatest teen super teams in the history of comics, consisting of the best teen heroes the DC Universe has to offer. The team has been through thick and thin over the years, with heroes coming and going, and all the while defeating some of the most dangerous villains around. In fact, half of the fun of the Teen Titans is the roster, as fans love seeing the young heroes of the DC Universe together.
Over the years, the Teen Titans have had some strange members, whether it because of their powers, personalities, or just how weird it is that they were Teen Titans in the first place.
10 The Atom Led The Teen Titans
Ray Palmer has been the Atom for a long time and when he first debuted, he was already a professor at Ivy City University. This is comics, though, so he was once de-aged into a teenager. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, he recruited other new teen heroes who were all related by alien genetics and formed a new Teen Titans.
The thought of a de-aged Ray Palmer leading the Teen Titans is just strange in the extreme. The whole run was kind of weird and this version of the team, as well as Ray’s time with them, has been mostly relegated to the dust bins of history.
9 Ravager Joining Up The Teen Titans Was A Strange Event
Deathstroke is one of the toughest villains in the DC Universe and probably the Teen Titans’ greatest foe. His enmity for the team has been because of their role in his son Grant’s death— but his other children have all been members of the team. He trained his daughter Rose to hate the Titans just as much as he did and to do whatever he said, but it backfired.
Of Deathstroke’s two children who were Teen Titans, Ravager joining the team made the least sense. While it can be looked at as an act of teenage rebellion, her being a part of the team that was both indirectly and directly responsible for two of her brothers’ deaths has always been weird.
8 Jericho Was A Very Different Kind Of Comic Character
Jericho’s history as a character is pretty interesting. According to back-up material in old reprintings of The Judas Contract, the character was completely created by artist/co-plotter George Pérez. As a mute, he’s a uniquely visual character, with Pérez doing all of the heavy lifting with the character. Jericho’s possession powers made him a great Titan.
He was also a member of the Wilson clan and that, combined with out of left field powers and his genesis, make him a strange character. His time as a Titan also puts him on the weird map, as he ended up possessed by demons, killed by his father, possessed his father, and was then rebooted by the various continuity-altering events.
7 Raven Took Time To Warm Up To The Rest Of The Team
Raven’s time with the Teen Titans saw her mature as a person and a team player immensely. She learned to open up to her friends and overcome the terrors of her upbringing, using her titanic powers to become one of the team’s most clutch members. While she’s become a staple of the team, it’s hard to deny that Raven is a weird hero.
From her powers to her way of speaking to her personality, Raven has always been very different from the other members of the team. She’s gone through a lot of growth as a person but there’s still something undeniably strange about her.
6 Readers Are Used To Beast Boy But He’s Undeniably Weird
Beast Boy is someone that readers have been around for ages so it’s easy to overlook just how strange the character can be. There’s just so much about him that’s odd, from the fact that every animal he turns into is as green as he is to his ridiculously extreme womanizing. While it makes sense for a person of his upbringing to be eccentric, he takes it to another level.
Beast Boy is like the most stereotypical teenage boy ever, taking it to strange places because he barely knows how to act around people. He’s always a bit too much for everyone the first time they meet him, but people do tend to get used to him.
5 Kole Was Like Iceman But She Used Crystal Instead
The Teen Titans have had a lot of surprising members but Kole has always been a weird case for the team. Given powers by her father so she could survive the nuclear holocaust he believed was coming, she would join up with the Teen Titans and basically become their Iceman, using her crystal generating powers much the same way as he used his ice ones.
Her powers were pretty cool but she didn’t last long on the team; she was killed during Crisis On Infinite Earths. The strangest thing about her is that it felt like Wolfman and Pérez had created her for the exact purpose of dying in Crisis.
4 Miss Martian’s Secret Made Her One Of The Titans’ Strangest Members
Martians are some of the most powerful aliens in the DC Universe and the Teen Titans finally got a Martian member in Miss Martian, who claimed to be Martian Manhunter’s niece. She had all of the amazing powers of a Martian but she also had a dreadful secret that set her apart from her teammates: she was a White Martian.
She wasn’t evil like the other White Martians, but the strangest thing about her wasn’t that she overcame her people’s aggressive tendencies; it was her attitude. She was chipper to a degree that seemed almost fake at times and this put her teammates on edge when she first joined the Titans.
3 Gnarrk Was A Caveman Before Joining The Teen Titans
Gnarrk is one of those remarkably weird characters that is fundamentally DC. A caveman, he was struck by a meteor that embedded a crystal in his chest that enhanced his mind. It protected him from a volcanic eruption and froze him. Found by the Teen Titans because of a premonition from Lilith, he would join the team as their resident caveman.
The crystal shard in his chest allowed him to understand modern society and gave him a psychic link with Lilith. Gnarrk would spend years with the team but despair of his place in the present before being killed by the Speed Force eruption at Sanctuary.
2 Pantha Was The Team’s Catgirl Before It Was Cool
Pantha is another rather interesting Titan. Created by the Wildebeest Society to battle the Teen Titans, Pantha never knew if she was a human or a mutated panther, which is pretty strange when it comes right down to it. She joined the team to learn the truth about herself but ended up finding out nothing; she would gain a family, though.
She began a relationship with her teammate Red Star and the two raised another refugee from the Wildebeest Society with the super creative and unique name of Baby Wildebeest. Pantha would be one of the Teen Titans called in to help with Superboy-Prime— and that would be the end of her.
1 Baby Wildebeest Was The Youngest Teen Titan Ever
The battle against the Wildebeest Society is underrated in Titans lore, as the evil organization hunted the team down with gusto. They were known for throwing their genetically engineered warriors at the Teen Titans and one of those would eventually become known as Baby Wildebeest and join the Teen Titans.
Baby Wildebeest may have been a massive creature, but he was still basically an infant. Taken in by Pantha, he fought alongside the team until he, Pantha, and Red Star left the group. Like his adoptive mother, he would be called in to battle Superboy-Prime and also lose his life in the battle.
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