Dark Crisis will prove that the Justice League achieved every hero’s main goal and will continue doing it centuries after their deaths.
The Justice League are DC Comics’ greatest heroes. Their death in the upcoming “Death of the Justice League” event will only serve to further cement their status. In the ensuing “Dark Crisis,” the remaining Justice League members and the next generation of heroes will unite to avenge their dead predecessors. But this crusade will prove that the Justice League achieved every superhero’s main goal: to build a better society where anybody can be a hero.
Since they were first founded, the Justice League has always strived to rid the world of evil. While many think the only way they move towards this goal is by fighting villains as they come up, there’s a lesser explored yet more impactful way they’ve been building towards their goal. Over the years, the members of the Justice League have helped inspire thousands of heroes to take over their duties when they’re gone and have inspired regular people to simply become better versions of themselves.
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The best example of a hero who’s inspired dozens of heroes to take over once he’s gone is Batman. Not only has he inspired 5 Robins, 3 Batgirls and 1 Signal, he also has detailed plans for what they should do if he were to die. If you look towards the extended Bat-Family, he’s even made sure that there is one Batman per major part of the world by founding Batman Incorporated. While Batman is the most notable among the soon-to-be-dead Leaguers, both Green Lantern and Wonder Woman have personally trained multiple heroes who could replace them if the need arises. There are six Green Lanterns in Sector 2814. While the death of one is tragic, they’re all prepared to fill in if one of them were to fall in battle. Not to mention that Green Lanterns from other sectors can switch over to Earth if the need would ever arise.
While other heroes have helped inspire and recruit their eventual replacements, no hero has done more to inspire regular people to become heroes in their own right as Superman. Even though he has his own Super-family (including Krypto), Superman has always served as an incredible role model for the every man. His motto “Truth, Justice, and the Better Tomorrow” points towards the type of future that he’s tried to create since he first put on his costume. Superman is arguably the most God-like hero among his peers, but he is also the most down to Earth among them. At heart, he is still a Kansas farm boy looking to leave the world better than he found it. Whether it involves helping a suicidal girl off a balcony as Superman or exposing major government corruption as Clark Kent, he will always do his best to help people. To be a hero, you don’t have to save the world, you just have to make the world a little bit better. That’s what Superman stands for to most regular people.
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Whether the Justice League remains dead for a long time or returns within 6 months, their death and the rise of the next generation will show that they’ve actually built a better society through their actions. Individually, each of the Justice League heroes has inspired at least one hero to take their place. As a group, they’ve inspired thousands of heroes to to reach heights they never thought possible before. For regular people without powers, the Justice League has served as moral idols to constantly strive towards. They achieved the main goal every superhero stands for because even dead, they’ll continued inspiring people to be better for centuries.
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