Popular anime streaming service Crunchyroll recently launched on Nintendo Switch, with some positive first impressions to boot. Now, the service has gotten a heck of a lot bigger with the absorption of Funimation and most of its related content.
The change is effective immediately, with the move encompassing Funimation, its subsidiary Wakanim, and Crunchyroll’s own VRV service. The company states that this will create the world’s largest anime library all under one roof. As a small caveat, however, the site’s FAQ section states that 80% of the Funimation library will move across, so there may be a few movies or shows that have not yet made the jump.
What does this mean for current Funimation subscribers? Well, simply put, it might be time to move over to Crunchyroll, as the former will only be receiving new episodes of continuing series. The good news, though, is that Crunchyroll is offering a special deal of 60 days of Crunchyroll Premium for free for anyone who recently signed up for Funimation, Wakanim, or VRV. Qualified customers will be sent an email with the offer very shortly.
Have you tried the Crunchyroll service on Switch yet? Will this move convince you to sign up? Let us know!