Comics News

Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up: WEIRD WORK, S.P.I.R.I.T., and 3 more projects we love


Remember, remember, it’s the first Friday in November, and welcome to the latest installment of The Beat’s Comics Crowdfunding Roundup! This week we’ve got projects from established creators and up-and-coming talents in a variety of genres. Let’s get right into it!

Weird Work #1-2

Creators: Jordan Thomas (writer), Shaky Kane (artist), Letter Squids (lettering), Daniel Gruitt (designer), Burnt Barn Comics (publisher)
Goal: £4,000/~$5,464
End Date: December 7th, 2021
Goodies: Digital and physical copies of the issues, stickers, posters, original art, plus previous books from the creators

Issue 2 of Weird Work a sci-fi noir epic combining LA Confidential with Futurama – art by Shaky Kane (2000AD, Image, DC) – 44 pages!

Shaky Kane’s artwork always makes me stop and take notice, and it looks as wild and poppy as ever on this book. Plus you have to admit that “LA Confidential meets Futurama” is a hell of a pitch.

Become a backer here.

Gray Cells: 140 page graphic novel thriller

Creators: Lawrence Goodman (writer), Kay (artist), Corey Ranson (colorist), Nikki Powers (letterer)
Goal: £5,000/~$6,831
End Date: December 3rd, 2021
Goodies: Digital, softcover, and hardcover editions of the graphic novel, prints, variant covers, a ‘process’ book featuring the original pencilled artwork, and more

True Detective with a real monster. A journalist must uncover the truth when a child is abducted by a creature no-one believes exists.

Another interesting take on a crime story, this time with supernatural elements. The premise is intriguing, and the preview artwork from Kay and Ranson looks appropriately gritty and moody. The book has also gotten solid reviews from outlets like AIPT and Comic Spectrum.

Become a backer here.

S.P.I.R.I.T. Issue # 2

Creators: Mark Bell (writer/publisher), Melissa Capriglione (artist)
Goal: $5,000
End Date: December 14th, 2021
Goodies: Digital and physical copies of the issue and the previous issue, stickers, pins, postcards, commissioned artwork, and more

A group of teen girls help a friend whose family has been taken advantage of by a woman who claims to speak with the dead!

Melissa Capriglione is an artist whose work I’ve enjoyed for a while, so supporting this project is a no-brainer for me personally. It’s a middle-grade series that’s billed on the campaign page as “female, science, diversity, and LGBTQ positive.”

Become a backer here.

Stray: Volume 3 – Requiem (Issue 1)

Creators: Vito Delsante (writer), Marcelo Mueller (artist), Omi Remalante (colorist), Scott McDaniel (cover artist), Sean Izaakse (cover artist), Daniel R. Faust (backup story writer), Mat Major (backup story artist)
Goal: $7,500
End Date: November 24th, 2021
Goodies: Digital and physical copies of the book, digital copies of previous volumes, variant covers, t-shirts, and a limited edition hand-painted figurine

The ongoing tales of the sidekick-turned-hero continue!

One of these weeks I’ll get through a full round-up without including at least one straight-up superhero comic, but this week is not that week. Stray began its life at Action Lab, a publisher that has had a fair amount of recent controversy, so it’s good to see the series returning under its own steam. It helps that this one comes from seasoned creators, and that the preview pages look great.

Become a backer here.

Journey to the Top of The Food Pyramid Book 1: Grain Chamber

Creators: Christian Ochoa (writer/letterer), Curtis Clow (writer), Michael Aromando (layouts), Rafael Sam (finishes), Sarah Gavagan (colorist), Angelina Roman-Ochoa (graphic design)
Goal: $5,000
End Date: December 10th, 2021
Goodies: Digital, softcover, and limited-edition hardcover versions of the book, original art, and more

Two spoiled siblings must climb up a food pyramid to restore balance to a sugar infected world full of magical food creatures!

This one just sounds like a ton of fun. The 32-page comic story also comes with 30 pages of additional “recipe” material about the creation of the comic, from conception to completion, so kids and adults alike can see what goes into the process. 

Become a backer here.

Here are some already-funded projects worth checking out:

And don’t forget to check out last week’s campaigns:

And finally, here are some projects that haven’t launched yet, but that look to be worth keeping an eye on:

Miss any of our previous Comics Crowdfunding Round-Ups? Check out the archive here!


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