Comic Review: Red Sonja Holiday Special 2021
The Red Sonja holiday special is an all-new She-Devil tale, from ongoing Red Sonja architect MIRKA ANDOLFO and a cavalcade of creators! The grim Sonja is not one for ebullient festivities. But her recent “adoption” of the mysterious child Sitha has (temporarily) melted her defenses, just in time for revelry. But will outside forces aiming to prod and pillage put a pause on the party?
Bringing a barbaric spin to the classic Dickens tale, A Christmas Carol, Mirka Andolfo and Luca Blengino start this year’s holiday special taking us down the path of Red Sonja’s choices. Without mimicking the classic beat for beat, the writers managed to capture the theme of choice and life’s possibilities. However, the second half of the issue derails off the Christmas spirit and becomes more of a classic Sonja one-shot with an in-season backdrop, but its solemn ending holds true to the brutal unforgiving world in which Sonja inhabits. It could be argued that the second half is a Christmas miracle with Sonja’s arrival to the distraught town covered in snow and filled with soul charming music, but that messaging doesn’t really come in though until the very end.
Artistically, Zulema Lavina and Carmelo Zagaria both bring clearly distinct visions. While Zulema’s style features more lines and gives a rugged look to the pages Carmelo’s is smoother and more defined. Nicolo Laporini and Arancia Studio show some real talent with this though. They match the style changes because artists by also changing the coloring along with it. The first half features a more saturated approach and the second more vibrant. it’s a great touch to highlight the difference.
Red Sonja Holiday Special Final Verdict
As we enter into the yearly yuletide, I felt like this holiday special kicked things off rather well with a classic tale told through a somewhat bloody lens. Sadly, it falls short in upholding the Christmas spirit as the book goes on. Which means unfortunately, as a holiday special, the book falls short after the first half. Wonderful art aside, I can’t recommend this holiday special.
But don’t take my word for it. If you’d like to pick up this title you can do so here or check with your local comic shop.