Comics News

Close encounters of the weird kind in HELION


In Helion by Atomic Pixies (Terra Hanson-Necessary, Sarah Hughes, and Be Necessary), Riley Langley is an average high school student who spends his after-school time carrying his cell phone around the Gouge and trying to record video footage of paranormal activity.

Riley meets a hostile life form.

But when a close encounter of the weird kind ends up destroying his phone, Riley realizes that he just may have stumbled upon the real deal!


Let them fight.

Helion follows Riley as he attempts to prove that something strange is going on at the Gouge. The only problem? The object of his investigation just might prove to be much closer to home (or to school, anyway) than Riley ever suspected!

Riley pursues the unknown!

Helion is an intriguing comic that puts the protagonist at the center of a bunch of mysterious circumstances and leaves it up to him to figure them out. Just what is the source of the strange occurrences that he keeps witnessing at the Gouge? And what does his classmate Sammy Roseberry have to do with it (and why can’t she manage to stay awake all the way through class)?

Two students with some serious after-school distractions.

With an interesting premise and some impressive world building, Helion has plenty to offer. 

Available to Read Now

One way you can support the Atomic Pixies directly is by commissioning a print.

And they also have a Patreon if you’d like to support them directly.

The truth is out there, dang it!

Have you had a chance to check out Helion yet? What did you think of it?

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