Here’s a bit of Donkey Kong trivia for you, and no mistake.
The Donkey Kong Jungle Action Special was an officially licensed British comic based on Donkey Kong Country for the SNES and published in 1995 by Fleetway Editions. Richard Burton (no, not that one) is listed as the Managing Editor – comic fans might recognise his name from the British sci-fi comic 2000AD, as well as the successful UK publication Sonic the Comic, which was also published by Fleetway.
For whatever reason, we have never seen it listed in comic databases online, for sale on eBay, or indeed any mention of it at all. It’s almost as if it’s been forgotten. Let’s fix that, shall we?
Since we have a copy, we’ve decided to archive it for posterity and share it with the Nintendo Life readership.
What better way to celebrate the Donkey Kong series shifting 65 million units, eh? Enjoy!