Chappelle visited his old high school last week , and Politico reports that the event at Duke Ellington School of the Arts apparently hosted several easily triggered children who offered pushback over their perceived offensiveness of a few of the jokes in his last Netflix special The Closer. Speaking to an auditorium of 580 students, the comedian faced a few tantrums regarding his jokes that involved transgender people.
One student actually called him a bigot, saying, “I’m 16 and I think you’re childish, you handled it like a child,” referring to responses to criticism of his Netflix special. Another student said “your comedy kills.”
Chappelle replied, “My friend, with all due respect, I don’t believe you could make one of the decisions I have to make on a given day.” Later he added, “I’m better than every instrumentalist, artist, no matter what art you do in this school, right now, I’m better than all of you,” jokingly adding that he was “sure” one of those students would be “household names” one day.
According to a spokesperson from Duke Ellington school, the hostile questions created a distorted picture of the event, and Chappelle’s supporters were a “silent majority” in the audience, as Chappelle’s critics were prioritized for the Q&A.
“During the conversation with students and staff, Chappelle specifically invited the voices of discontent to ask questions, however as a result, the supporters of Chappelle became the silent majority,” the school’s spokesperson told Politico. “Our principal was approached by several students after the assembly who were disappointed that they were not able to voice their support for Chappelle in this forum.”
But so-called “cancel culture” isn’t impacting Dave Chappelle. The controversial comedian scored a Grammy nominations the same day as his appearance at the school. Chappelle scored a nomination in the Spoken Word Album category for 8:46, a performance about violence against black Americans that he did with Amir Sulaiman.