The Cat On a Hot Tin Roof manhwa announced on September 24 that it was ending serialization just over a month after launch. The series had faced accusations of imitating designs and layouts from Naoki Urasawa‘s Monster manga and the Evangelion anime series.
Comparison pictures between the manhwa and Monster began circulating on a forum on September 16. The Korean webtoon platform Naver Webtoon, which published the manhwa, acknowledged the accusations in a statement on September 18. It noted that after consulting with the artist, it has decided to conclude the manhwa‘s serialization. The publisher apologized for not upholding its responsibility to protect intellectual property rights and expressed regret to readers for causing concern.
Readers earlier pointed out similarities with Evangelion‘s character designs and story, arguing that the two main characters strongly resemble Shinji and Kaworu. Some readers also noted similarities with the Stand by Me (1986) American film, which is based on the Stephen King novella The Body.
Source: Record China via Biglobe News, Otakomu