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Castlevania: 5 Weird Facts About Alucard’s Body


Symphony of the Night is widely considered one of the best games of the Castlevania franchise, so it comes as no surprise that its protagonist Alucard is equally popular. As a departure from the monster-slaying Belmonts, Alucard put players in the shoes of a vampire for the first time in the series. This change came with a host of new and strange abilities that are all linked to Alucard’s vampiric anatomy.

In other media, vampires are often depicted as blood-sucking monsters, terrifying until someone whips out a cross and a wooden stake, or happens to smell like garlic. Not so with the vampires of Castlevania. These creatures are immortal, sophisticated and nigh-invulnerable. Humans like the Belmonts only stand a chance with dedicated vampire-killing weapons and a lifetime of training. Alucard in particular has many weird bodily quirks that put him in a class above other vampires, making him one of Castlevania‘s most powerful characters.

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Alucard Is a Human-Vampire Hybrid

Castlevania SOTN Alucard Succubus Lisa

Alucard is famously the son of Count Dracula. This fact alone speaks volumes of his innate power, but Alucard’s mother is what truly makes his anatomy stand out amongst vampires. Born as Adrian Tepes from the unlikely bond between Dracula and a human woman named Lisa, Alucard is a half-human, half-vampire hybrid, also known as a dhampir.

While that may sound like a disadvantage compared to being a pure-blooded vampire, it comes with a massive boon: Alucard is immune to the effects of sunlight, eliminating one of the key weaknesses that vampires in Castlevania retain from other media. Alucard is also immune to human ailments such as disease and age, making him a creature with the strengths of both races and the weaknesses of neither.

Alucard Has Incredible Speed and Strength

Castlevania SOTN Alucard Dash

Vampires are known for possessing much greater strength and speed than humans, and despite being a hybrid, Alucard is no exception. He moves so quickly that he leaves afterimages in his wake and his strength is enough to match any other creature of the night. While Alucard’s physical prowess would be enough to defeat most enemies on its own, he chooses to further hone it with incredible swordsmanship. He has mastered many types of weapons, but none more than the heirloom sword gifted to him by his mother.

RELATED: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – What Happened to Gabriel Belmont & Alucard?

Before his equipment is stolen in classic Metroidvania fashion, Alucard begins Symphony of the Night with this sword. No other weapon better illustrates its master’s strength and speed, since it allows Alucard to warp behind opponents and strike from behind. This sword is so powerful that it even has its own cheap knock-off, which players should be wary of.

Alucard Greatest Strength Is Dark Magic

Castlevania SOTN Hellfire Spell

Physical strength is far from Alucard’s greatest attribute. Dracula is seen wielding many forms of dark magic during his boss fights, and as his son, Alucard has access to many of the same powers. For example, he can manipulate fire and shoot it from his cape with Dracula’s iconic Hellfire attack. If he finds himself in danger, Alucard can heal himself with spells like Dark Metamorphosis and Soul Steal, making him incredibly resilient.

Alucard even uses magic to further enhance his mastery of the blade. By using a Sword Familiar, Alucard can cast the Sword Brothers spell, which conjures a vast slicing attack capable of cleaving most foes in two. This spell, along with many others, makes Alucard a legendary sorcerer second only to his father.

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Alucard Can Change His Form

Thanks to his vampiric heritage, Alucard can also change his form. While already fast in his humanoid form, Alucard can shift into a wolf for even greater speed. If he needs to access heights that would normally be unreachable, he can transform into a bat and fly. When he is overwhelmed by enemies (or if he simply needs to cross an iron grate), his body can dissolve into mist. Since Alucard is a hybrid, it is unknown if he has a monstrous “true form” like his father. If he does, he refuses to give in to it, as it never appears in-game.

Alucard can also change his appearance while in human form. He appears in Aria of Sorrow disguised as a man named Genya Arikado to help guide Soma Cruz through Dracula’s Castle. With this persona, Alucard continues to anonymously aid the Belmonts and all others that oppose Dracula’s tyranny.

RELATED: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow – How to Break the Creaking Skull Boss

Alucard’s Senses Are Superhuman

Castlevania SOTN Alucard meets Richter

Regardless of the form he takes, Alucard’s senses are far beyond those of any human. His sense of smell is particularly well developed, and despite being a hybrid, Alucard has a nose for blood. In what is perhaps the grossest demonstration of his vampiric power, Alucard is able to sniff out Richter’s heritage as a Belmont when they first meet in Symphony of the Night.

This deduction is based only on the smell of Richter’s blood, suggesting that Alucard’s sense of smell is exceptional when it comes to a vampire’s favorite drink. It also implies that Alucard is doomed to struggle with his thirst whenever he is around mortals, further proof that Alucard is a step above other vampires despite his truly strange anatomy.

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