
Carton Boys Review – All Ages of Geek


Today we are going to chat all about Carton Boys. These NFTs are a collection of 2,000 hand-crafted cartons! Not only are the designs created by an incredible artist they are also raising money for missing people.

The Carton project is a new step for the NFT space. These NFTs are trying to make a difference in the world. 10% of their sales will be going towards charities that are helping missing peoples cases. The team is very passionate and believes their NFTs will help by bringing awareness and funds to missing peoples cases. 

The team at Carton Boys consists of two people! The artist behind Carton Boys is Alex Thornberry an artist from Ohio who is looking to build a community of like minded people! His biggest supporter was his father who passed away, however Alex allowed his fathers support to inspire his work. He continued his art work and thus Carton Boys was born. Carton Boys is changing the world with the amazing support it is doing for missing peoples cases. 

Alongside Alex, Anoop Hans is the project manager. “I see in the Carton Boys a community centered around quality art that can leverage the power of NFTs to do real good in the world.” Anoops passion for this space allows Carton Boys to stay alive. 

The designs for Carton Boys are all special in their own way. Because they are all hand drawn, each Catron is unique. The love in each NFT is seen in the art. This project is extremely important to look into. Not only can you see the passion that Alex and Anoop have, you can also help those who are missing. Unlike other projects that drop all at once, Carton Boys continue to have weekly drops until they hit 2,000 total pieces to constantly bring art and awareness to the community If you are interested in their project be sure to check out all of their links: 




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