Captain Marvel’s foray into magic results in a new major for Carol Danvers, a broken friendship and repaired relationships with two other Avengers.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Captain Marvel #30 on sale now!
Captain Marvel has a number of unique relationships across the Marvel Universe, with her bonds to the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, and the X-Men morphing and shifting over the years. But recent events have pushed allies further away.
Luckily, Captain Marvel just recemented her connections with War Machine and Ms. Marvel in Captain Marvel #30 by Kelly Thompson, Jacopo Camagni, Espen Grundetjern, Jamie McKelvie, & VC’s Clayton Cowles — even if she’s lost the respect of Doctor Strange and gained a major enemy in the form of the Enchantress.
Before her brief adventure into the future, Carol Danvers had been involved in a romance with James Rhodes — aka the heroic War Machine. Encountering his potential daughter in that possible future and becoming impressed with the young woman, Carol decided to end things with Rhodey in the present, in a bid to ensure her birth still takes place.
However, that doesn’t keep Rhodes from rushing to aid Carol in battle when Doctor Strange calls upon him. Revealing the full truth to Rhodey, Carol is quietly (and happily) surprised when Rhodes instead doubles down on his feelings for Carol, and helps her defeat Ova. Returning back to America, Rhodes and Carol seem to have rekindled their romance, sharing a kiss and embracing.
However, Captain Marvel’s foray into the world of magic does come with some serious repercussions. Carol has so far been working with the Enchantress to find a mystical element that could protect her from all forms of magic. Although Enchantress has been an ally so far, Carol fears what she could do if she learns this is all being done to help Captain Marvel eventually defeat (and potentially kill) her future son, Ova.
Enchantress finds out the truth with telepathy and brings Ova into the battle itself. However, Carol tricks Ova into consuming the element instead, draining him of his mastery of the mystic arts — and earning the ire of the Enchantress, with the Asgardian villain vowing revenge against Captain Marvel.
She isn’t the only mystical figure upset with Carol, as it turns out Doctor Strange is aware of what she did — and is upset that Carol went that route. When Captain Marvel first came to Doctor Strange, he tried to show her a new way of thinking (and even briefly stirred up a romance with her). However, he refused to teach her magic, prompting her to find Enchantress in the first place.
She visits Doctor Strange to thank him for being a good friend after the fight, and Strange accepts it — but reveals she’s committed a sin against the magical community in the process. He reveals many in the magical community consider taking Ova’s powers away as being a worse fate than killing him, and are enraged at her. Carol asks if Doctor Strange believes so, and he doesn’t say — shutting the door in her face and seemingly turning his back on Captain Marvel for at least the time being.
It’s a heartbreaking moment for Carol, prompting her to visit Jersey City and offer a hand of support to Ms. Marvel. Despite being the inspiration for Kamala Khan’s entire heroic identity, Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel have had conflicts in the past over their methods of fighting crime and what that entails, such as during Civil War II.
But speaking with Carol and seeing she’s at the edge of her rope, Kamala fully elaborates on the good Captain Marvel has done for the world and the good that has spread across the world as a result. This brings Captain Marvel to tears, while giving her the chance to tell her young friend just how much Kamala inspires her. Given the rough patches the pair have had over the years, it’s heartening to see Kamala not only offer a shoulder to lean on, but to be Carol’s own personal hero.
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