Earlier on, Capcom held a special 10th anniversary Dragon’s Dogma video broadcast. At the very end of the presentation, director Hideaki Itsuno revealed Dragon’s Dogma II is now officially in development.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting! Dragon’s Dogma 2 is currently in development. Everyone in the development team is hard at work creating a game that we hope you will enjoy! Please look forward to it.”
At the moment, no platforms or release date have been announced, but we do know it will be running on Capcom’s RE Engine (thanks, Gematsu). Here’s a bit extra, from the announcement page:
Mr. Itsuno recalls how his earliest experiences with high fantasy were thanks to classic pen-and-paper role playing games. This resulted in his love of RPGs as a whole, something that he would carry with him throughout his time working on arcade titles for Capcom throughout the 90’s. By 2000, Mr. Itsuno began to build out his own fantasy world, one that would eventually become what we now know as Dragon’s Dogma.
Touching on how the team built out the land of Gransys, the reason behind the game’s unique Pawn System, and the titles he worked on in between his initial concept for Dragon’s Dogma and the game’s release, we encourage Arisen of all types to enjoy Mr. Itsuno’s reflections on his time developing the original game and the thrill of the surprise announcement of Dragon’s Dogma II.
To celebrate this occasion, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is currently on sale on Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms. It’s now the “perfect time” to explore the world of Gransys and ready yourself for what’s ahead.
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