Comics News

Bygones Be Bygones: Liefeld Encourages Fans to Buy Mighty Crusaders


Bygones Be Bygones: Liefeld Encourages Fans to Buy Mighty Crusaders

After some unexpected “Sturm und Drang,” Archie Comics is releasing The Shield #1 this week. Dubbed America’s first patriotic superhero, the classic character appears in a new one-shot comic that hits comic shops shelves today and kicks off a re-imagined Mighty Crusaders mini-series from Archie Comics that writer/artist Rob Liefeld was supposed to be leading.




However, when a potential spoiler was shown off by another variant cover artist on Facebook, Liefeld went off on the publisher and stormed off the project. But today it seems like amends have been made, and now Rob is encouraging comic book readers to check it out.


Unavoidably, not all fans were supportive.



Get your copy of The Shield from Archie Comics in shops this week!

John Pallister

I’m all about having fun in geek culture, but keeping my family safe!


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