Comics News

Buyer’s Remorse? Marvel’s Shang-Chi Star Still Being Insufferable


Buyer’s Remorse? Marvel’s Shang-Chi Star Still Being Insufferable

In the latest episode of Moon KnightEthan Hawke’s character of Arthur Harrow speaks Mandarin with a fellow cult member and the attempt seems to have disappointed Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings star Simu Liu.



The most entitled MCU actor (followed closely by Brie Larsen) and their first Asian lead tweeted out:

“Alright Arthur Harrow needs to fire his Mandarin teacher.”



Many Mandarin speakers took to the internet to complain about the line, pointing out that they could barely understand it and it was filled with grammatical errors. But in both Marvel’s and Hawke’s defense, the character said that the community aims to learn different languages and he doesn’t claim to be fluent, nor did he point out any specific language teachers. The line was not translated, possibly because the show is being done from Oscar Isaac’s character point-of-view.

Jamison Ashley

Comic geek, movie nerd, father, and husband – but not necessarily in that order. Former captain of this ship o’ fools secretly training everyone’s computers and snarkphone spell-checkers to misspell ‘supposebly.’


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