Comics Reviews

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Teases an Epic Multiverse Team-Up


Buffy Summers and her allies are preparing to fight Silas — and they might need an army of Slayers if they’re going to have any chance of winning.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Buffy the Vampire Slayer #28 from Boom! Studios, on sale now

Across various incarnations, Buffy Summers has proven herself to be an impressive hero. Along with her friends and allies, she’s faced many incredible threats and saved the world multiple times. But there are some problems that are so dangerous that an entire multiverse of heroes might be needed to stop them.

The only chance to combat Silas might be for Buffy and her allies to recruit an entire army of Slayers from across the multiverse — with Buffy’s plan slowly crystalizing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer #28 by Jeremy Lambert, Valentina Pinti, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire.

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Buffy, Willow, Kendra and their allies amongst the Scoobies have been dealing with some increasingly dangerous forces in the modern incarnation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Even beyond the challenges presented by the Hellmother and the recently-dispatched vampiric Xander, the group has been exposed more and more to an expansive multiverse full of Slayers. Along the way, they’ve also caught the attention of Silas — a mysterious and powerful force that seeks to consume the memories and minds of all realities to use as sustenance. The Scoobies have been trying to figure out how to combat such a force — with Willow concerned about his sheer power and Ethan Rayne seemingly betraying the Scoobies to the Watcher’s Council in hopes they can better combat Silas.

However, Buffy has an idea that might change everything — bringing up the plan to her allies, Buffy argues that she’s recently felt down about herself upon discovering she wasn’t special in the multiverse. There are countless other variants of Buffy from other realities that deviated in unique ways. But that also means Buffy can see herself as part of a possibly endless army of Slayers. If the heroes could reach across worlds, they could potentially recruit these other Slayers to their cause and work together to fight back against Silas and his plans to consume the multiverse. It’s a risky ploy, as it could leave them open to Silas and his Lurkers.

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They could also end up stumbling upon darker worlds and gaining new enemies — such as the hypothetical world where Giles was turned into a vampire and along with a corrupted Buffy brought pain and malice to their world. But it could also be the key to not just uniting the Slayers, but all sorts of allies from across the Slayerverse. This could even include a trip to the interdimensional Hyperion Hotel — the last spotted sighting of Angel, Spike, their allies and some of their own multiversal counterparts. If Silas is the overwhelming and overarching threat that the Scoobies have come to believe he is, then recruiting a full army of Slayers to fight him might be the best way to defeat him — especially if a few multiversal versions of magic-users like Willow could also be found.

Buffy and Kendra even get their first official recruit in the form of Morgan, a previous Slayer who was resurrected thanks to Anya. With the Slayers and their allies preparing to go to war, it might be time for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer franchise to unite against a threat to every single possible world in existence. But it’ll take plenty of them to come up against Silas if his true potential is anywhere close to what Willow and Ethan fear.

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