Taito’s Bubble Bobble series is currently celebrating its 35th anniversary and as part of this, the Japanese company has announced a new entry in the spin-off series Puzzle Bobble (Bust-A-Move) is currently in development.
Puzzle Bobble game director Tsuyoshi Tozaki said the new entry would “of course include its trademark simple gameplay so anyone can play it”. The team is also taking notes from Bubble Bobble 4 Friends, where you can have fun with friends and family – so it’s packing “all those ideas” from that game into this new one.
Level designer Hidetaka Iyomasa also mentioned how there would be time attack, and reiterated how fans would be able to play with others or solo. And there will even be some new characters in this upcoming release.
As for the launch date, it’s “only just started with development” – “so it’s still a way off, but the whole team is hard at work and is determined to make it a fun game”. Keep in mind, no platforms have been confirmed just yet, either.
Would you be interested in a new Puzzle Bobble game? Played any of the previous entries? Tell us below.