The official Twitter account for the television anime of Yūki Yaku‘s Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki (Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun) light novel series began streaming a new video for the anime on Friday. The video confirms that a new anime for the franchise has been green-lit. The announcement did not reveal the format of the anime.
The video features footage from the first season, and also features the character song “Colorful End Epilogue” from the first season.
The first anime premiered in January 2021. Funimation streamed the anime as it aired in Japan, and it also streamed an English dub. Funimation describes the story:
Expert gamer Tomozaki Fumiya doesn’t exactly fit in, but he wishes he did. With no written rules for success and gameplay that doesn’t work in his favor, the real world seems impossible for someone like him.
But, like any noob, all he really needs are some strategies and a seasoned player like Aoi Hinami to help him. Hopefully with her guidance, Tomozaki will gain the experience he needs.
The anime also received two OVA episodes that were bundled with the third and fourth Blu-ray Disc and DVD home video volumes of the anime in May and June 2021, respectively. Funimation also streamed those episodes.
Shinsuke Yanagi (Angel’s 3Piece, The Ryuo’s Work Is Never Done!) directed the anime at project No.9. Fumihiko Shimo (The Ryuo’s Work Is Never Done!, Myriad Colors Phantom World) oversaw the series scripts, and Akane Yano (The Ryuo’s Work Is Never Done!, High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World) designed the characters. Hiromi Mizutani (Non Non Biyori, Shomin Sample) composed the music. Pony Canyon and APDREAM were the music producers. Satoshi Motoyama (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU) was the audio director. Bit Groove Promotion was credted for the sound production. Dream Shift was credited as producer.
Voice actress idol group DIALOGUE+ performed the anime’s opening and ending theme songs. The opening song is titled “Jinsei Easy?” (Life Is on Easy Mode?), while the ending theme song is titled “Ayafuwa Asterisk.”
Source: Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki anime’s Twitter account