News that Dave Filoni will write an episode for The Book of Boba Fett raises speculation that a certain Clone Wars character will return.
Speculation over Dave Filoni’s non-executive producer involvement in The Book of Boba Fett has fans theorizing that a beloved animated bounty hunter might crossover into live-action.
A Disney report leaked to Reddit disclosed that, while creator Jon Favreau penned six of The Book of Boba Fett‘s seven episodes, episode six will be co-written by him and Filoni. Nothing further has been revealed about the chapter’s plot, but, given that Filoni will direct an episode, a top Reddit commenter suggested that this will be the series’ way of introducing Cad Bane, given his and Boba’s unused Star Wars: The Clone Wars history.
First introduced in The Clone Wars Season 1 finale “Hostage Crisis,” Bane (Corey Burton) — one of the show’s original characters — quickly became a recurring, fan-favorite villain. Notable Bane-centric stories included successfully stealing a Holocron from the Jedi Temple and taking part in a multi-bounty hunter plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine, with Obi-Wan going undercover as a fellow mercenary to sabotage the plan.
Bane and Boba Fett, voiced by Fett’s Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones actor Daniel Logan, never interacted before The Clone Wars‘ initial cancelation. However, Filoni confirmed that a future, unaired Clone Wars storyline would have seen the legacy and aspiring bounty hunter go on a mission together, only to end in a standoff duel. Existing rough-cut animation footage for this episode also revealed how the fight would have ended: with Boba killing Bane but, in turn, receiving the iconic dent on his Mandalorian helmet.
Due to that unaired episode of The Clone Wars, Bane’s relationship with Star Wars continuity became more flexible, with rumors of a The Book of Boba Fett cameo dropping last September. Most recently, Bane made a surprise return in Disney+’s post-Clone Wars show The Bad Batch, stealing the clone Omega — whose unmodified genetic makeup technically makes her Fett’s sister — from the titular Bad Batch in order to hand her over to the Empire. However, a fight between Bane and a young Fennec Shand, an original character from The Mandalorian who now serves as The Book of Boba Fett‘s co-lead, allows Omega to escape, leaving Bane’s fate unknown.
Through Filoni and Favreau’s The Mandalorian, known The Clone Wars characters like Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan Kryze have made their way into live-action territory. Future Disney+ programs, like the upcoming Ahsoka show, will further introduce characters from Star Wars Rebels in order to continue that animated series’ narrative. Most recently, The Book of Boba Fett introduced Black Krrsantan, a Wookie bounty hunter from Marvel’s ongoing Star Wars comics who has an established history with Boba Fett. It’s unclear if other characters from the comics, such as rogue archeologist Doctor Aphra, will also make a Book of Boba Fett cameo.
New episodes of The Book of Boba Fett air Wednesdays on Disney+
Source: Disney+, via Reddit
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