The Book of Boba Fetts’ newest teaser shows a location from Star Wars: Battlefront, which may give insight into the upcoming show’s setting.
Star Wars’ most infamous bounty hunter, Boba Fett, is finally getting his turn in the spotlight with the upcoming release of The Book of Boba Fett. While the newest teaser for the hotly anticipated show is only a glimpse behind the curtain, there are plenty of juicy details for eagle-eyed fans to spot. One such detail is the shot of what looks to be a hanger in Jabba’s Palace, which is now run by Boba Fett following Jabba’s death in Return of the Jedi. Boba’s ship, Slave I, is parked in the hanger, but what makes the shot interesting is that an almost identical location appears in the Palace Garage map from DICE’s Star Wars: Battlefront reboot.
DICE’s Battlefront games were made to be as authentically Star Wars as possible. As such, the story of Star Wars: Battlefront II and the maps from both games are considered canon to the wider universe. Before now, there were few connections that proved this, but it seems that The Book of Boba Fett is taking this piece of continuity seriously. With that in mind, let’s explore what other insights the Battlefront maps might have for the new series.
First added in Battlefront’s Outer Rim Expansion Pack, the Palace Garage map takes place in a section of Jabba’s Palace that, shockingly, features the building’s hanger. In the game, the map is dominated by Jabba’s sail barge, which players can walk on top of during the desperate firefights that the franchise is known for. Following its owner’s death, the barge was likely sold off or decommissioned, since we see that it has been replaced by the Slave I in the new Boba Fett teaser.
Jabba’s Palace has featured prominently in the promotional material for Boba Fett. As such an iconic location, it’s no surprise that it’s also included as a map in both of DICE’s Battlefront games. The map includes several areas never seen in the films, such as a luxurious lounge that would easily translate to live-action. Fans will also recognize many of the map’s pig-faced denizens, the Gammorian Guard, who can be found behind bars throughout the area. The Gammorians appear briefly in another Boba Fett trailer, so it’s likely that the bounty hunter rounds up and employs the survivors.
Since Tatooine is one of the few planets we know will make an appearance in Boba Fett, it’s worth mentioning another key location that appears in Battlefront II: Mos Eisley. While trailers for the new show feature several dusty cities, it is currently unknown if this particular hive of scum and villainy will make an appearance. With Boba trying to fill the power vacuum left by Jabba, it would make sense for the feared bounty hunter to make a personal appearance and wrestle control from the local underworld. There are several locations in Mos Eisley that are only seen in Battlefront II that could make their way into the show, such as the auction house, which is no doubt a favorite of local crime lords.
Whether or not other Battlefront locales will make their way into The Book of Boba Fett is pure speculation at this point, but the new teaser opens the door to more overlap between the Star Wars films, shows and games. Keeping the franchise’s continuity consistent regardless of the medium will provide countless avenues for references that are sure to delight fans.
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