
Blood Bowl 3 will have transforming pitches, gross burgers


During today’s Nacon Connect livestream, Cyanide filled in some details about its forthcoming fantasy football parody Blood Bowl 3. A trailer showed the six sponsors its singleplayer campaign will be based around: Bugman’s Beer, Corsair Cruises, Cabal Vision, Block & Dodgers, Orcidas, and a disgusting hamburger brand called Nurgle King. As lead cinematic artist Yoann Drulhe explained, “During the campaign you will have to face a bunch of star players, who are the public faces of these sponsors.”

The sponsors will all have their own dedicated teams led by a different star player, each of which will have to be defeated one by one. Drulhe mentioned that orc star player Varag Ghoul-Chewer will be returning, and will be the face of the Orcidas brand and founder of his own chain of gyms. When I spoke to Cyanide earlier this year, they mentioned the campaign will let you field your own custom team and take them into multiplayer once it’s finished, which is a nice touch.


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