This week, our artists drew your suggestions for Black Widow taking control of classic comic book covers throughout comic history.
So every week, I post a topic here. You reply to it on the CSBG Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply), our artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post their drawings based on your suggestions here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week.
To qualify, you have to be following @csbg when you reply – so go follow us and then give your answer to the following question/challenge (All suggestions due by 8:59pm Pacific Sunday).
The topic for next week…
In honor of all of the Loki variants in the penultimate episode of Loki, suggest other Loki variants. Plus, our artists MIGHT have said variants team up with Croki. We shall see what they’re feeling.
Read on for the drawings that came about courtesy of the last question/challenge!
In honor of Black Widow finally being released into theaters, let’s do one of those “Characters crashing famous covers” themes. So basically cover homages starring Black Widow.
I’ll put them in alphabetical order based on the person who made the suggestion (with one exception).
All copyright and trademarks of the following characters are held by their respective owners.
BigMike20X6 suggested
Dead Pooh #1
This drawing is by Kimberly Hinrichs. Her website is here.
BigMike20X6, CapSarcastica and sepinwall suggested
Sensational She-Hulk #1
Axel Medellin drew this one. His website is here.
BigMike20X6 and werehawk1 suggested
Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD #4
The art for this one is by Christian Moore. His website is here.
Brian_Cronin suggested
Groo the Wanderer #8
This drawing is by Morgan Blunt. His website is here.
Brian_Cronin suggested
Generation X #26
The art for this one is by Paul Shinn. His website is here.
KeithAlanMorgan and shurwitt suggested
Action Comics #252
Seni Oyewole did this drawing. Here is his website.
melodramakitch1 suggested
Hellboy: The Corpse
Colin Rackham did this drawing. Here is his website.
originaldayfan suggested
Justice League #1
This drawing is by Adam Star Ruvola. His website is here.
themightyknarf suggested
Wonder Woman #184, second series, by the great Adam Hughes! Golden Age WW encountering Modern Age, so maybe Silver Age Nat meets Modern Nat?
Nick Perks is the artist for this one. Here is his website.
werehawk1 suggested
Wolverine #1
This drawing is by Afizeth Art. His website is here.
BigMike20X6, CapSarcastica and sepinwall suggested
Sensational She-Hulk #1
This drawing is by David Winters. His website is here.
Wow, those are some amazing cover homages everyone!
Okay, folks, go tweet out suggestions for next week’s Loki theme!
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