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Bill Maher Compares ‘Cancel Culture’ Mentality to a Stalinist ‘Purge’


Bill Maher Compares ‘Cancel Culture’ Mentality to a Stalinist ‘Purge’


On Friday night’s episode of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher reacted to the firings of Olympic officials for their previous words and conduct by calling it a “purge… a mentality that belongs in Stalin’s Russia.”





“This is called a purge. It’s a mentality that belongs in Stalin’s Russia. How bad does this atmosphere we are living in have to get before the people who say cancel culture is overblown admit that it is in fact an insanity that is swallowing up the world? … And that is not a conservative position, my friends. My politics have not changed. But I am reacting to politics that have, and this is yet another example of how the woke invert the very thing that used to make liberals liberals. Snitches and bitches, that’s not being liberal.”


Later, he addressed cultural appropriation, saying:


“This new idea that each culture must remain in its own separate silo is not better, and it’s not progress. And in fact, it’s messing with one of the few ideas that still really does make this melting pot called America great. … And that’s the great thing about cultural mixing, it makes things better for everyone. BTS can be a hit in America and I can get kimchi on a taco, isn’t that better than everyone walling itself off from outsiders? I thought walls were supposed to be bad. But we’re living now in a world where straight actors are told they can’t play gay roles and white novelists aren’t allowed to imagine what it would be like to be a Mexican immigrant, even though trying to inhabit the life of someone else is almost the very definition of empathy, the bedrock of liberalism.”


Chris Braly

I’m a collector, a speculator, and one opinionated, based geek. My friends call me Braly, but those who know me within the hobby generally refer to me as Bralinator. I can be heard monthly on the Comic Book Page Previews Spotlight podcast with several other comic book nerds. Follow me on Twitter @ChrisBraly


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