
Bethesda Buys Deathloop Actor PS5 Because He Couldn’t Find One


Colt from Deathloop looking at a floating PS5.

Image: Bethesda / Sony / Kotaku

Actor Jason Kelley, who voices Colt in the recently released Deathloop, is among the many still unable to get their hands on a PlayStation 5. After admitting his problem, Bethesda helped out and got him one, IGN reported.

When Deathloop came out earlier this month, Kelley recorded a short video promo for the game. In that clip, he explained that he still needs a PS5 so he can actually play the game he voices the main character of and asked for anyone who can help him get his hands on one to, well, help him out.

Remember: Deathloop is a PS5 console exclusive game (at least for a year or so), and while Arkane’s latest game released on PC too, not everyone has a rig powerful enough to play it. In response, Bethesda’s senior vice president of global marketing and communications, Pete Hines, suggested that he and the publisher could “probably help” Kelley in his quest to obtain a PS5.

Flashforward to September 24 during an interview with Jumpcut Play on YouTube when Kelley gave folks an update on his PS5 hunt. And he had good news!

“I was just notified by Bethesda that a PS5 was made available,” Kelley said. “[It’s] going to be shipped to me, with the game as well. So, I’ll be playing the game…I’m super excited.”

He should be excited. Deathloop is, after all, pretty rad. It might not be Arkane’s best game, but it’s a stylish and wild trip through time. Plus, it has a really sweet kick, which never gets boring. Seriously. I’ll never get tired of kicking fools off cliffs and buildings.

Read More: You Still Don’t Need A PS5

So, Kelley’s PS5 hunt has come to an end. Sadly, many folks out there are still struggling to get their hands on a PS5 or an Xbox Series X or S console. As we get closer to a year after the consoles first launched, it’s looking like things ain’t getting better anytime soon. Global chip shortages, issues with covid-19, extremely high demand, shitty resellers, and bots have combined to create a perfect and terrible storm that means most players are still unable to find either next-gen console.

Or you can become a successful actor, get a role in a game that is only coming out to next-gen consoles, then publicly ask for a console and hope your corporate bosses hear you and decide that getting you one is a decent PR pop. Simple, really.


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