Beta Ray Bill is about to face off against the Fire Demon who is responsible for the destruction of Bill’s homeworld.
Beta Ray Bill is out for revenge. He’s been struggling to find himself ever since Thor destroyed his weapon, Stormbreaker. The destruction of Stormbreaker combined with Thor’s heroics against Fin Fang Foom during The King in Black event led Bill to leave Asgard in search of a new weapon. He’s not looking for any ordinary weapon, he needs one that can restore him back to his humanoid form. Unfortunately, the only weapon that fits the description is in the hands of a villain that Bill is especially familiar with.
Bill sought out Odin who he believed could provide him with a new weapon similar to Stormbreaker. He was disappointed to learn that Odin no longer possessed the power to create such a weapon. Instead, Odin directed the horse-like cyborg towards Muspelheim where Twilight, the sword of the Fire Giant Surtur rested. Ever since Surtur was defeated by Thor in Mighty Thor #21 by Matt Fraction, Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, Javier Rodriguez and Joe Sabino, he has been separated from his sword and unable to use it. These circumstances and Bill’s desire to return to his humanoid form set up an easy decision as he traveled toward Muspelheim with Skurge and Pip the Troll by his side.
Their trip into Muspelheim would prove to be more difficult than imagined. First, Bill’s sentient ship Skuttlebutt had her conscience transferred into a robotic form. They were then attacked by demonic followers of Surtur who caused Bill’s ship to crash into a river of fire below. Luckily, Skuttlebutt was able to transform the spaceship into a boat. They were able to travel deeper into the realm until they were attacked by a tentacled monster. Bill and Skuttlebutt freed the ship from the monster and soon found themselves before the giant sword Twilight.
As Bill placed his hand on the hilt of the sword, the booming voice of Surtur forced him backward. Surtur revealed that he has been waiting for an opponent to try and claim Twilight for their own. Surtur’s defeat at the hands of Thor deemed Surtur unworthy, and now, he is required to prove his worth before he could reclaim it for his own. Bill now has a real predicament on his hands that he might not be prepared for.
Bill’s battle with Surtur encompasses way more than just the possession of a sword. Bill was born on the planet Korbin within the Burning Galaxy. Their planet knew many years of peace, but when Bill was just a boy, the leaders of their planet saw that doom was near. This led them to choose a champion that could defend their people from the impending threat. Beta Ray Bill was chosen and the doctors of Korbin performed surgery, transforming him into a horse-like powerhouse. Not long after, their planet was cast into flames as Surtur and his demons attacked. Knowing there was no hope, Bill and the Korbinites fled as Surtur destroyed their homeworld.
While this might seem like a battle that is way out of Beta Ray Bill’s league, he has a secret weapon. His ship Skuttlebutt, who has recently adopted a robotic body, has proven that she can be extremely useful to the hero. Not only did she save Bill from the tentacle monster, but she also created a weapon for him to use while trying to obtain Twilight. She genuinely cares for Bill and her ability to control the ship while in her robotic form will surely prove useful in the upcoming battle with Surtur.
Bill has much to prove in his upcoming showdown. Not only does he have a chance to obtain a new weapon that could be more powerful than Stormbreaker, but he also has a chance to avenge his fallen Korbinites. Now that he has nothing left to lose, Beta Ray Bill will hold nothing back as he tries to put an end to the dreadful Surtur once and for all.
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