Blue Period is a rather unique Slice of Life anime, telling the story of a delinquent struggling in school who picks up a paintbrush and falls in love with art. Despite not understanding fine arts, technique, or anything complicated, Yatora Yaguchi embarks on a journey to get into the Tokyo University of the Arts, a prestigious college with an acceptance rate of one in two hundred, pitting him against talented competitors.
A highly anticipated manga being adapted into an anime is always sure to make a splash during any season, but Blue Period has dropped at the same time as other big-name manga adaptations hurting its overall performance. This is not to detract from the adaptation, but the speed at which the manga volumes have been translated to the screen have hurt Blue Period’s pacing, giving some scenes less of a punch in the anime adaptation due to contextual precursor interactions being cut for time purposes. As a result, studio Seven Arcs have decided to trim the excess from the manga in order to maintain focus on Yatora, which makes sense for an anime like this.
Despite the setbacks faced by Blue Period, the anime has received positive feedback, and we’re certainly enjoying this unique spin on the Slice of Life genre, exploring the world of art, which has received little screen time in the anime medium.