Tsukasa Taira, a college student, is rescued from a vampire attack by a devil, Yuuki Anzai. Anzai is a devil/human hybrid who works as a member of a secret police task force that specialises in devil-related crimes in Tokyo. As Anzai continues to protect Taira, the two form a romantic bond. Can Anzai overcome his temptation to drink human blood?
To give a general idea of this series, it is a lot like Twilight or Tokyo Ghoul, but a bit darker. Despite the danger Anzai faces in his job, Tsukasa doesn’t see him as a monster. She is interested in him, and the relationship they have can be seen as wholesome and cute. As for Anzai, he does have a romantic interest toward Tsukasa, but he is so afraid to be close to her and consume her. There is a good ratio between showing the main story of the manga and the romance between the main characters. The way they present how Anzai’s team operates feels cinematic and is filled with action packed fighting scenes that spread out over multiple locations.