This vampire anime brought together great visuals and an interesting supernatural storyline to make something really captivating. Vanitas no Carte (The Case Study of Vanitas) also has some truly compelling characters, particularly the main character, Noé, and the titular character, Vanitas. In this world where the True Name of a vampire is the formula responsible for their existence, corruption of that name makes a vampire become ill, before becoming violent and bloodthirsty vampires known as “Curse Bearers”.
Lord Ruthven is an enigmatic noble who worked in the senate to serve the Queen, and we first see him when he arrives at the vampire banquet that Noé’s childhood friend, Dominique de Sade, invited him to. Ruthven’s reputation is that of a peacemaker, as he is known as the vampire who helped end the war between humans and vampires, and he even thanked Noé and Vanitas for helping minimize the casualties at the ball, seeing the incident as an attempt on his nephew Lucius’s life, because the young boy is the Grand Duke second only to the Queen.
This is why it’s quite the plot twist when Ruthven asks Noé to accompany him to a restaurant to talk, drugs him, and drinks his blood, activating his ability. Ruthven’s ability enables him to force anyone he’s bitten to follow just one of his commands at the time of his choosing (basically a vampiric Geass). Even worse, it turns out that Ruthven has something to do with the emergence of the Curse Bearers, and maybe even ties to Charlatan itself! He’d also been hiding the truth about the Queen’s condition, so when Vanitas made the wild claim that the Queen might not even be alive anymore, Ruthven perceived both Vanitas and Noé as threats. Just what could Ruthven be planning to do with the spell cast on Noé? Guess we’ll have to find out next season!