She-Hulk has emerged from the Red Room as the Winter Hulk and she already has a major superhero in her gamma-radiated sights.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Avengers #48, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
The Avengers were recently ambushed in their own headquarters by the rival superhero team the Winter Guard. The Russian team kidnapped She-Hulk and subjected her to the horrors of the Red Room in order to transform her into the perfect weapon. While this plot was successful in its horrific transformation of Jennifer Walters into the formidable Winter Hulk, She-Hulk’s new form proved completely uncontrollable and devastatingly brutal as she broke free from the confines of the Red Room.
And as the Winter Hulk launches her rampage across the Marvel Universe, she is quickly barreling down on a major target: Namor, the Sub-Mariner.
The fury and power of the Winter Hulk was apparent as soon as she was unleashed on the world from the Red Room. As the Avengers launched a covert operation to free their kidnapped friend, the Winter Hulk turned on the Winter Guard and horrifically maimed them as she made her escape. From there, the Hulk formerly known as Jennifer Walters set her attention to Gorilla-Man, the hero that betrayed her and the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes by working with the Winter Guard to infiltrate Avengers Mountain. Displaying fearsome, new abilities gained from her transformation, the Winter Hulk easily defeated any of the lowlifes that attempted to defend Gorilla-Man before taking the primate prisoner. And with the captive Gorilla-Man in tow, the Winter Hulk goes on the high seas and sets her sights on Namor in Avengers #48 by Jason Aaron, Javier Garron, David Curiel and VC’s Cory Petit.
Tensions between Atlantis and the surface world are running particularly high lately, with a typically frustrated Namor decided to start a superhero team of his own to defend Atlantis’ interests and oppose what he saw as continued negligence on the Avengers’ part. Dubbing his ensemble the Defenders of the Deep, Namor and the Avengers would come to blows more than once. Unfortunately for Namor, the Defenders of the Deep quietly lost respect in their leader when he was humiliated by the Phoenix Force when it came to Earth looking for a new host.
Detecting the Winter Hulk swimming in the ocean while towing a small boat carrying Gorilla-Man, an army of Atlanteans attack her for this perceived intrusion, only to quickly learn that she is a far cry from the Avenger they initially believed her to be. The Winter Hulk quickly turns the waters red with their blood as a terrified Gorilla-Man watches from above, with She-Hulk offering no quarter to any who attack her. Without hesitating to survey the carnage, the Winter Hulk immediately sets her attention on Namor, waiting for her atop the Atlantean throne as she swims to the bottom of the ocean for an epic showdown.
With the Russian government and Winter Guard observing the Winter Hulk’s onslaught on the forces of Atlantis, the Russians’ intention for the Winter Hulk appears to be the assassination of the Atlantean head of state. More than this, the Red Widow is set to carry out her own objective by delivering a powerful nuclear warhead while Namor and the Atlantean military is distracted.
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