In Avengers #47, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes infiltrate a Winter Guard base, and a cosmic member of the team puts on an MCU-inspired costume.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Avengers #47, available now from Marvel.
Avengers #46 kicked off the “World War She-Hulk” storyline, which saw the Winter Guard infiltrate Avengers Mountain and take Jennifer Walters prisoner for the destruction she caused in the Red Square during her recent brush with the Phoenix Force. After she was deemed guilty, the Winter Guard began to brainwash She-Hulk inside the Red Room and now, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are coming to her rescue.
In Avengers #47, by Jason Aaron, Javier Garrón, David Curiel and VC’s Cory Petit, the titular team travel to the Siberian Tundra in Russia, where they find an old military compound where She-Hulk is being kept. For this stealth mission, Captain America and Iron Man are both wearing new costumes that camouflage them. But they aren’t the only ones wearing different costumes: Captain Marvel also wears a darker outfit for this mission — and it looks just like something she wore in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The Avengers mission in Russia is a dangerous affair because the superheroes need to be careful, lest they create an international incident. They aren’t allowed to venture into the country, but they will not leave one of their own behind either, especially not to be tortured and transformed into a mindless killing machine. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark begin the mission on their own, but the situation quickly escalates when the Winter Guard learns of their presence. Once a fight breaks out, Captain America calls in the second team — the air cavalry.
Upon receiving the call, Carol Danvers swoops into action, revealing that she is not wearing her usual red, blue and gold costume. Instead, she too is wearing an outfit with darker colors meant to reflect the seriousness of their mission. Red, blue and gold are colors that unmistakably pop out, which means that, for this stealth mission, Carol returns to the Kree colors of navy blue and green.
But this costume doesn’t just feature the Kree colors — it looks like it was lifted from the 2019 MCU movie, Captain Marvel. In the film, viewers were introduced to Carol Danvers when she went by the name Vers, a member of an elite Kree taskforce known as Starforce. Like the other members of the team, Carol wore a tactical, dark blue and green Kree costume that also included an iconic helmet that wrapped around her hair to form a mohawk. Over the course of the film, Carol would then switch her colors to red, blue and gold, showing her affiliation to Earth and the American military.
In the comics, Carol recently went back to wearing a Kree-inspired outfit, during the 2020 event, Empyre. At the time, she was given the Universal Weapon and became the Kree Supreme Accuser. As she fulfilled her duties, she wore a green and blue costume that was similar to the one she sported in Captain Marvel. But there were still some differences, like the lack of her signature helmet and an inverted color scheme that left most of the suit green.
The outfit Captain Marvel wears for the stealth mission in Avengers #47 has the colors, the tactical look, the helmet and the mohawk hair. A shield also appears over the mouthpiece, when she requires it, just like in the film. It looks like Brie Larson’s Vers/Captain Marvel nearly leaped off the screen to find herself in the pages of this comic. This may be a temporary, mission-specific costume, but it’s one that we now know is in Captain Marvel’s wardrobe, ready to be used whenever the situation calls for a stealthier approach.
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