The Avatar: The Last Airbender TTRPG begins shipping digitally this week, bringing an easy to jump into Avatar adventure to tabletops everywhere.
One of the most successful Kickstarter Campaigns of all time, Magpie Games’ Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game, will begin sending out PDFs of the game guide to supporters and preorders this week. As the game becomes more widely available, fans of the Avatar series will no doubt be curious about how to begin playing the game.
Since it is a Tabletop RPG, players may notice the game’s similarity to Dungeons & Dragons. However, for many, this game could be their first foray into playing a TTRPG. What’s more, using a different engine means that the game will feel different even to those familiar with Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder. Players only need to cover a few basic parameters to help get started creating their own story in the Avatar universe.
Getting Started with Avatar Legends
Avatar Legends’ first requirement is familiarity with the source materials. Based upon the series Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, knowledge of the eras of the Avatars and the idea of bending are necessary to play the game and develop characters. Familiarity with the series and some knowledge of the comics and novels would help fans get started with the game.
Regarding materials, Avatar Legends requires only the core rulebook, character sheets and two six-sided dice to get started. The full Avatar Legends Core Rulebook contains more detailed information about campaign making and character creation, but a basic level of both is available through the QuickStart Guide. One of these will be necessary to create a character for the campaign. Additionally, players will need to have their information written down on character sheets, also available in the QuickStart Guide.
Since Avatar Legends runs on the Apocalypse RPG system, two six-sided dice are required. All rolls succeed or fail based upon a 12-point system, so different types of dice are not necessary.
Making a Character from the Avatar World
In Avatar Legends, character creation revolves around the archetype that the player wants to embody. Selecting a Playbook determines the character’s role in the party, such as The Hammer, who always wants to fight, or The Icon, who has to represent their culture. These define the character in broad strokes so that players can understand their motives and their actions.
Players will also need to determine if their character is a bender or not and what type of bender. Depending on the era, certain types of bending won’t be available, and the Avatar is generally not available, so players will need to decide who and what they want to be based on when the campaign is set. This will also tie into their background, which includes a training style to help characters further flesh out their moves and fighting styles.
Playing Through An Adventure In Avatar Legends
Based on the aspects given to characters during their creation, they will have a balance track representing their internal conflict between the two extremes of their personality. As this shifts, so will the character’s aspects and abilities. As a character becomes more or less off-balance through decisions they make during the campaign, they may lose the ability to use certain attacks or actions.
Avatar Legends’ attacks are secondary to the game, as character development is the primary focus. For this reason, different playbooks are better in different situations, and the party will need to follow others based upon what is best for the group. Every time a character tries to perform an action, the player rolls two six-sided dice, which yields a result that may be successful, unsuccessful or a mixture. The result leads to the next step in the story until the end.
Whatever stories are told in the Avatar Legends game are sure to be interesting as they mix bending and storytelling. The unique approach to action and the easy start-up will prove to make the game a welcome addition to the Avatar franchise. Whatever era and in whatever way fans choose to play the game, it’s sure to be fun!
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