Katara is the nurturing, motherly member of the group in the series Avatar: The Last Airbender. She is shown to be loving and compassionate, putting the needs of others before her own. The other characters rely on her for guidance and support, and she keeps the group together in tough times.
However, even someone as kind-hearted as Katara has a breaking point. In these times, fans see a side of Katara they never have before. She goes against her nature, acting selfishly or being hurtful toward those she loves. These traits are the furthest from who Katara truly is. But when things are at their worst, fans see that even Katara isn’t immune to acting against her true character.
10 Her Insensitivity Toward Her Brother’s Feelings Goes Against Her Nurturing Personality
Normally, Katara is a very considerate person, especially when it comes to the feelings of others. However, things are different when her own feelings are involved, especially in regards to the death of her mother. Katara tends to focus on her own feelings about the Fire Nation raiding the Southern Water Tribe. She isn’t the only person who has lost Kya, and it’s a loss that her brother and father must process as well. Nevertheless, she seldom considers their feelings and ends up lashing out at Sokka because of it.
9 There Are Times When She Trusts Too Easily
Despite what happened to her tribe when she was a young child, Katara had moments where she trusted way too easily. She isn’t untrusting of others and does look for the good in people by nature, but there are times when she trusts more than she should, while in other times, she is more guarded. One great example of this is when she blindly trusts Jet without knowing anything about him. She’s usually much more level-headed than this, but for some reason, she lets her guard down at the worst possible times.
8 She Volunteers Aang To Help Others Without A Second Thought
Katara can be bossy, but she usually at least thinks of the feelings of others before making decisions. When it comes to Aang, though, there have been a few times where she forgets this. She casually announces that Aang is the Avatar and volunteers him to aid whoever it is they’ve met, despite not knowing if this person is a danger or not. She is extremely protective of Aang and normally puts his safety first. Therefore, it makes no sense for her to hand him over to complete strangers without making sure they are safe to be around.
7 She Doesn’t Listen To Sokka About Jet
Katara is a smart girl and can usually tell when someone tries to pull the wool over her eyes. And despite their usual arguments as siblings, Katara listens to her brother when times are serious. But for some reason, with Jet, she is completely taken in and swoons over him, disregarding all warnings her brother tries to give her.
She even goes so far as to claim that he is just jealous of Jet. While Sokka is the jokester of the group, Katara should know he would never make such serious claims if there is no possible truth to them. Still, she ignores her brother and lets her guard down around Jet, and it almost costs many people their lives.
6 Her Jealousy Makes Her Act Like A Different Person
There aren’t a lot of times when Katara displays jealousy, but one of the biggest times she does is when she and Aang are practicing waterbending together with the waterbending scroll. She becomes outraged at how easily Aang can pick it up, while she struggles despite trying to learn it since early childhood. Her jealousy causes her to lash out, and she snaps at Aang, even though he hasn’t done anything wrong. Though she immediately apologizes for this outburst, the jealousy in Katara shows a much meaner version of herself than the one fans are familiar with.
5 She Lets Personal Feelings Cloud Her Judgment
Katara is a practical and down-to-earth character. She is usually able to keep it together and control her emotions. However, there are times when they have gotten the better of her. She lets go of rationality and makes poor decisions as a result. When all is said and done, she usually realizes her mistakes. But by then, it is too late, and the damage is done. Whether it’s acting before thinking or speaking out at the wrong time, Katara’s emotions sometimes overcome her level-headedness.
4 She Threatens Zuko When He Joins Team Avatar
Katara is highly protective of her loved ones, especially Aang. While this is true, she is not one to take the lives of others or make such serious threats. But when Zuko joins Team Avatar in Season 3, she puts all that aside.
She wastes no time in letting Zuko know that if he does anything to harm Aang, she won’t hesitate to kill him. Though this is a justified response from her, it is jarring for viewers to see. Katara is loving and cares for the lives of all, but in this moment, fans can see a different side of her.
3 She Has An Insensitive & Immature Fight With Toph
Katara and Toph have a strained relationship throughout the series. This strain comes to its worst during the episode, “The Chase,” where the girls are mostly fighting. Katara eventually takes it too far, throwing cheap shots at Toph by making comments about her blindness. Toph responds in her usual way, seemingly more annoyed by the comments than hurt. Whether Toph is hurt or not, it is a very immature moment for Katara and remains one that fans talk about to this day.
2 She Suddenly Is In Love With Aang At The End When She Rejects Him A Few Episodes Before
While fans can see from the start that there is something between Aang and Katara, it isn’t always clear what their dynamic is. Through the first half of the series, the feelings seem pretty mutual between the pair. But as the series goes on, it is harder to gauge how Katara feels. Most of the time, she seems to view him as family rather than a romantic interest. When Aang finally confesses to her, she shoots him down and gets angry at him for making unwanted moves on her. But then, just a couple of episodes later, she seems head-over-heels for him at the show’s end, even though they haven’t completely resolved their issue. Though there is some build-up to this moment, Katara is a more thoughtful person than that and wouldn’t just throw herself at Aang without talking it out first.
1 She Wants To Take Revenge On The Man Who Killed Her Mother
All fans know that Katara is suffering greatly from the loss of her mother. Her pain clouds her judgment at times, and she lashes out at others. Despite this, it is still shocking to see her set on avenging her mother’s death by taking the life of the murderer. Katara is a warmhearted and peaceful soul. She cares about all life, including the lives of her enemies. But when she discovers who her mother’s murderer is and where to find him, that changes. She is a much colder and angrier person in this episode. Though she does not go through with her plans, it’s hard to watch Katara act with the intent to kill.
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