When Team Avatar first met Jet, he was a flirtatious vigilante who formed a group called the “Freedom Fighters” with other displaced Earth Kingdom kids, most notably The Duke, Pipsqueak, Longshot, and Smeller Bee. However, the band garnered a lot of hate after they attempted to destroy a village full of innocent people by destroying a dam.
Luckily, Sokka was able to escape and warn the villagers that they needed to evacuate, but the relationship between the Freedom Fighters and Team Avatar was irreparable. He eventually redeems himself underneath Lake Laogai where he tries to help reunite Team Avatar and Appa, but in doing so, he is killed. However, if he were still alive, here are some things fans might find Jet doing.
10 He Would Hopefully Be Going To Therapy For His Brainwashing And War Trauma
Jet and the rest of the Freedom Fighters already had tons of trauma from the horrors of war before their arrival in Ba Sing Se, but when Jet ran into the Dai Li and was taken into the depths of their hideout underneath Lake Laogai, he was further traumatized. While there, the Dai Li brainwashed Jet into thinking the war did not exist and ensured he could be controlled with a secret command. He fought through this brainwashing at points, but he struggled to do so. If he were still alive, fans would hope he would be getting regular therapy to deal with this, as well as his original trauma.
9 He Would Not Be Too Happy About Zuko Being Firelord And Would Probably Be Protesting With The Other Freedom Fighters
During his stay in Ba Sing Se, Jet was obsessed with proving Zuko and Iroh were Fire Nation fugitives. However, this obsession landed him in the Dai Li’s prison. It would not be that much of a stretch to think Jet would be angry to find out Zuko and Iroh were not only firebenders on the run from the Fire Nation but that they were both part of the royal family. Even if Jet were to give up his vendetta against the Fire Nation and its royalty, it would be hard to imagine anyone okay with knowing they went to prison for being right.
8 Jet Would Almost Certainly Be Rebuilding His Relationship With Longshot And Smellerbee
Smellerbee and Longshot were there for Jet until the very end. They traveled with him to Ba Sing Se after he destroyed an entire village, they tried to help him stay on the path of starting a new life, and they showed up to try and save him from the Dai Li headquarters. Friendship like that is hard to come by, and fans can be sure he would have emerged from Lake Laogai with a new appreciation for his friends, though he would have a lot of making up to do.
7 He Would Probably Be Dating
Jet was a notorious flirt, as fans saw through his interactions with Katara. However, his obsession with fighting against the Fire Nation stopped him from being able to pursue romantic endeavors. Fans would hope that, if Jet were alive, he would be spending his post-war years doing the things he missed out on during his life as a Freedom Fighter, like dating. It may take a while, as he would have a lot of healing to do before he would be ready to open his heart up to others, but fans would surely like to see him settle down and be happy at some point.
6 Jet Would Want To Rebuild The Damn and Village He Destroyed
Jet felt guilty for destroying an entire village to thwart the Fire Nation forces, and part of the reason he, Smellerbee, and Longshot went to Ba Sing Se was to put that event behind them and start anew.
If Jet were around to see the war end and could gain the ability to travel more easily, fans could see him traveling back to the village he destroyed to help rebuild it, even if it is as punishment for his criminal behavior.
5 Fans Would Likely Find Him Providing Civilian Aid
When Jet and Zuko briefly teamed up to steal food on their way to Ba Sing Se to distribute it to other refugees, fans saw that Jet really does want to help civilians. Unfortunately, during his last venture with the Freedom Fighters, he put that on the back burner in favor of his vendetta against the Fire Nation. With the Fire Nation finally pacified and the world in a state of relative peace, perhaps Jet would focus his efforts on helping those in need instead of engaging in more acts of violence.
4 He Would Probably Still Be Sword Fighting And Chewing On Plants
Old habits die hard. Jet was always seen chewing on a stick or some other sort of plant matter. Even when he was brainwashed, fans could catch the vigilante chewing on hay. One would expect Jet to continue this habit into his adulthood, as it is one of his two signature traits, along with his skills with weapons. While fans would want him to stop fighting so much, it would be a tall order for him to hang up his hooked weapons altogether. If Jet were still alive at the end of the series, he would probably be perpetuating his cool guy persona, hooks in hand and hay in mouth.
3 Jet Would Be Learning How To Step Down From Leadership
After the incident with the village and his capture by the Dai Li for making a scene in town, Jet would probably step down from a leadership role – even if it wasn’t necessarily by his choice. While Smellerbee and Longshot would stand by their friend, Smellerbee has proven leadership skills, and Jet has proven he is both unstable and has misplaced priorities. While fans would not believe Jet would completely give up any input, as he is a very opinionated character, it would not be out of the realm of possibility for Smellerbee to replace him as the leader.
2 He Would Also Keep A Close Eye On The Dai Li And Similar Organizations
Just as Jet mistrusted the Fire Nation, he would definitely mistrust the Dai Li after the events that occurred under Lake Laogai. If Jet were around after the war, he would likely keep a close eye on the Dai Li to make sure they did not become corrupt once again. Without Fire Nation troops to fight, Jet would also want a target to redirect his efforts toward.
The Dai Li would be the perfect target, as someone needs to keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t acquire too much power.
1 Jet Would Be Healing With His Friends Support
If Jet had made it out away from Long Feng and out of the Dai Li headquarters, there would be a long road to recovery ahead of him. From serious physical injury to psychological torture, there are plenty of obstacles Jet would need to overcome. Smellerbee and Longshot, of course, would be right there with him the entire time, so he would not be alone in this journey. Still, it would be a long and slow process, and it would likely be one of the hardest things Jet would have to face.
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