Hiromu Arakawa‘s manga adaptation of Yoshiki Tanaka‘s Arslan Senki (The Heroic Legend of Arslan) novel series published its 100th chapter in Kodansha‘s Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine‘s January 2022 issue, which shipped on Thursday. To commemorate the occasion, a number of manga artists, including Attack on Titan‘s Hajime Isayama and Flying Witch‘s Chihiro Ishizuka drew original shikishi illustrations.
Hajime Isayama‘s shikishi
Chihiro Ishizuka‘s shikishi
Other contributing artists include Megumi Ina (Shо̄gi no Watanabe-kun), Shūzō Oshimi (The Flowers of Evil, Inside Mari), Coharu Sakuraba (Minami-ke), Akinari Nao (I’m Standing on 1,000,000 Lives., Trinity Seven), Ippei Nara (Neko-ane), and Masanori Miyajima (Dekoboko Animation). The issue also publishes congratulatory comments from readers and launched its first character popularity poll.
Tanaka’s original novel series, illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano, centers on the titular Arslan, heir to the Kingdom of Pars, and initially reluctant in martial affairs and leadership. Tanaka launched the series in 1986, and ended it with the 16th volume (seen right) in December 2017. The series was adapted into a six-episode OVA series from 1991 to 1993, and a manga adaptation by Chisato Nakamura that ran from 1991-1996.
Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist, Silver Spoon) is currently serializing the new manga adaptation of the novels, which she launched in Kodansha‘s Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine in July 2013. The first season of the television anime adaptation of Arakawa’s manga premiered in April 2015 and ran for 25 episodes. The second season, titled Arslan Senki: Fūjin Ranbu (The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm Dance), premiered in July 2016.
Source: Comic Natalie