Attack on Titan is an anime series with many remarkable characters. Two of the show’s most popular characters are Eren Yeager and Levi Ackerman. When the anime first began, Levi and Eren seemed to be opposites of one another. Levi was emotionally reserved, while Eren was loud and quite passionate.
However, as Attack on Titan continued airing, the series showed that these two characters have many similarities. Of course, Levi and Eren are still very different from one another, but to say that they share no similarities would be to ignore how much Attack on Titan and its characters have evolved over the past several years.
10 SIMILAR: Both Characters Can Be Unclear With Their Intentions
From the beginning of the series, Levi has been a complicated character to read. Levi’s encounter with Eren during the military tribunal showed how brutal and cold Levi was, and this distant and ambiguous nature defines his character. Audience members witnessed this side of Levi as recently as his handling of Zeke as a political prisoner.
While Eren became difficult to read during the later seasons of Attack on Titan, he was not always this way. During the first two seasons of the anime, Eren was very forward to those around him about what he planned to do. However, as Eren’s character and motivations became more complex, audience members could not figure out Eren’s intentions, just like Levi.
9 DIFFERENT: Levi Is Still More Emotionally Reserved Than Eren
While both Levi and Eren are complex characters whose intentions may be difficult to understand, Eren has been and continues to be more emotional than Levi. Levi has emotions as he clearly cares about those around him, but he expresses his feelings in a quiet manner.
Eren has always been more vocal about his emotions. While he seems to have become quite mature, Eren still has some emotional outbursts, unlike Levi. One recent example for Eren is when he yelled at Hange while he was being kept captive. This moment was emotionally charged, something that audiences hardly see from Levi.
8 SIMILAR: Levi And Eren Are Both Willing To Sacrifice To Achieve Their Objectives
Both Eren and Levi are dedicated individuals, and for that reason, they are willing to make sacrifices to achieve their objectives. Eren singlehandedly declared war on the nation of Marley. In doing so, Eren killed many civilians and unarmed individuals.
Levi also has been no stranger to sacrifice throughout Attack on Titan‘s run. As early as the first season, Levi made several difficult choices, such as leaving behind the bodies of his comrades and friends which allowed those around him to survive. Of course, Levi never wants senseless killing, but he is more than willing to make sacrifices.
7 DIFFERENT: Eren Used To Be More Bark Than Bite
While Eren has always been focused on achieving his goals, he frequently is overconfident in his abilities. Throughout the first two seasons of Attack on Titan, Eren would constantly talk of what he would do but often fell short of actually achieving it. This behavior made Eren seem like he was all bark and no bite.
Levi, on the other hand, is all bite and no bark. Where Eren would have to convince himself and those around him that he could do whatever he was planning to do, all of the characters in the Attack on Titan universe know what Levi is capable of achieving. Levi never has to say what he is going to do because he simply does it.
6 SIMILAR: Both Characters Have Insane Determination
Levi and Eren are two of the most dynamic characters in the Attack on Titan universe. When these individuals set their minds to a goal, they will stop at nothing to achieve it. Eren is always determined to complete his goals, even if they seem impossible. His mindset to kill all of the Titans, and defeat all of Paradis’s enemies, seems impossible, but Eren will stop at nothing to complete both of them.
Throughout the series, Levi has also proved himself to be a very determined character. This idea is visualized very effectively during his first fight with the Beast Titan. Levi not only managed to defeat Zeke but then chased him across the battlefield despite being completely exhausted and out of gas.
5 DIFFERENT: Eren Has Fewer Hesitations About Wasting Lives
Early in the series, the audience learns that Levi does not want to waste lives, especially those of his comrades. Levi is protective of those around him and hates senseless deaths. This defining part of Levi’s character is present throughout the series.
Eren does not have the same reservations when it comes to killing. While Eren seemed to care for human life at one point, his actions in Marley demonstrated how much he had changed. Eren had become a brutal individual, capable of inflicting damage to many people.
4 SIMILAR: Both Levi and Eren Have Had Difficult Pasts
The first episode of Attack on Titan demonstrates the beginning of Eren’s troubled past. Eren has to watch as his mother is eaten alive by a Titan. With his father missing, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are forced to survive on their own.
Levi also had a difficult childhood. While Levi did have a pseudo-father figure in Kenny, Levi grew up on the streets and had to commit crimes to stay alive. These tough childhoods forged these characters into who they would be.
3 DIFFERENT: Levi Works Well With His Comrades Where Eren Prefers To Work Alone
Despite being one of the most physically talented individuals in Paradis, Levi surrounds himself with his comrades. Levi frequently appears with the other members of the Scout Regiment. While circumstances often force Levi to fight Titans alone, he works well in coordinating with those around him.
Eren, however, does not coordinate well with his friends and comrades. He even spent several years by himself in Marley while having infrequent communication with those in Paradis. Moreover, even if Eren cares for those around him, he typically takes the burden of his battles.
2 SIMILAR: Both Eren And Levi Are Powerful
While Eren may have started the show off as a loudmouth kid who could not win any fight, Eren suddenly became quite powerful after gaining the ability to transform into a Titan. The threat that Eren poses for his enemies makes him a clear target.
Levi is also exceptionally skilled as he is often referred to as the best soldier in all of Paradis. This praise is no overstatement. Levi’s mastery of ODM gear, movement, and attacking makes him a formidable threat for both Titans and humans.
1 DIFFERENT: Eren Was Given His Abilities Later In Life
Both Eren and Levi are quite powerful individuals in the Attack on Titan universe. However, how they got to that point is quite different. Eren received his Titan-shifting abilities from eating his father. From there, Eren honed his combat abilities, but he needed that additional head start.
While Levi naturally understood combat and weapons, he still had to learn all of his skills. Much of what Levi knows regarding battles comes from his troubled past and his Ackerman bloodline, which allowed Levi to be a powerful fighter.
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