Most main characters within the Attack On Titan universe go through some pretty major changes when comparing who they were when they started and who they are at the end of the show, and Jean is no exception. He starts as someone who’s pretty far from likable. Back when he’s just a trainee, his hot-headed attitude combined with his tendency to speak his mind regardless of the situation or potential consequences often gets him into trouble.
However, it’s shown that he’s actually quite a capable and caring person, as well as someone who has a relatively strong moral compass. And while he can seem straightforward, there’s still much about his character that fans still might not be aware of.
10 He Consistently Ranks Within The Top Ten In Character Popularity Polls
Jean’s personality starts out a bit rocky, as he’s someone who seems more concerned with his own safety than actively helping humanity. He also has a bad habit of getting into altercations with and provoking others, namely Eren. Despite this, even in the first popularity poll, Jean ranks ninth. His popularity only continues to rise as he matures, ranking fourth in the second popularity poll and fifth in the third.
9 In Early Drafts Of The Series, Jean And Armin Were One Single Character
Jean and Armin have two different and distinct personalities, but they’re similar in other ways. Jean is noted to be a natural-born leader who excels at taking charge of others and cares deeply about his teammates’ lives, and Armin ends up a brilliant strategist who often saves or leads others with his abilities.
It’s actually noted that in early drafts of the series, Jean and Armin are actually a single character. They’re later split into the two fans know and love today, and it’s interesting to think about what might’ve been different if they weren’t.
8 All Of His Official Stats Are Relatively High, Except For His Teamwork
All of Jean’s official statistics have been listed in the Attack On Titan Guidebook, and they’re all exceptionally high except for his teamwork. All statistics are ranked on a scale that goes from one to ten. His combat ability is a nine, his initiative is an eight, and his wits sit at a seven. His teamwork is where things take a bit of a dip as it’s only a five, but his awareness is a staggering ten-out-of-ten.
7 His Accuracy With Firearms Is Impressive, Especially Because He Doesn’t Shoot To Kill
Although it’s mainly only shown during the persecution of the Survey Corps, Jean is incredibly proficient with firearms. This would be impressive enough on its own, but it takes an even higher level of skill to be able to pull off accurate, non-lethal shots.
Jean never shoots to kill anyone, but rather just to incapacitate them when it’s absolutely necessary. It’s shown that his accuracy, in general, is impressive, as he’s also capable of wielding thunder spears with great success.
6 Out Of All Of His Strengths, His Greatest Is His Ability To Use Maneuvering Equipment
Jean has quite a few strengths. He matures into a capable leader, his combat ability is near the top of his class, and he knows how to take charge and get things done. Even with all of these impressive feats under his belt, his skill with the maneuvering gear is noted to be his biggest strength of all.
He can maneuver expertly even in open terrain, a feat that’s noted to be quite hard to pull off. He’s incredibly capable when it comes to slaying Titans as well as maneuvering around them or even avoiding them entirely when need be.
5 Despite Seeming Self-Centered, It’s Impossible For Jean To Leave Behind Others Or Risk Their Lives
Jean originally comes off as a self-centered character who’s more concerned with living a cushy life than anything else. However, once he’s actually put in the heat of the moment and others’ lives are at stake, it’s impossible for him to abandon them and turn a blind eye.
He’s even willing to risk his own life if it means others won’t be in danger, such as when he, Armin, and Reiner take on the Female Titan because not doing so would put other lives in danger. Comrade deaths, like that of Marco’s, also weigh incredibly heavy on him.
4 He’s Slowly Transforming Into More Of An Idealist Thanks To Characters Like Eren
Jean is a character who’s quite cautious, and he has a habit of doubting others rather than giving them the benefit of the doubt. He also originally believes that fighting for the sake of humanity’s future is a pointless, losing battle.
He doesn’t remain this way forever, though, and he is moved by other character’s philosophies such as Eren’s. After the Armored Titan appears for the second time, it’s Jean who ends up motivating Eren to keep fighting for the sake of humanity, showing that his views begin to shift.
3 He Begins As A Petty Character, Quick To Hold Grudges Against Others
Although Jean blooms into a capable leader who cares about and inspires others, he starts out incredibly petty. This is especially true when it comes to Eren, since Jean was infatuated instantly with Mikasa and saw Eren as the reason why she doesn’t give him any attention.
He develops an immediate grudge against him. Whenever Eren is having trouble with the 3D Maneuvering Gear and tries to ask Jean for advice, he goes as far as to refuse him and instead openly laughs at and mocks him.
2 Marco’s Death Is The Catalyst That Causes Jean To Join The Survey Corps, Rather Than The Military Police
Jean’s initial goal is to join the Military Police and live a safe life within the inner walls. While this sounds selfish, it does make sense for humans to prioritize their own safety and survival over the fate of others, especially when their chances seem as grim as they’re often painted within the series’ universe.
He ends up switching and joining the Survey Corps, despite all of the fears he has regarding doing so and his own personal visions for the future. He makes this decision after coming across Marco’s body and taking the words of encouragement his late squadmate gave him to heart.
1 He Has No Problem Challenging And Talking Back To Authority When He Feels It’s Justified
Jean’s blunt and hot-headed personality makes him one of the strongest candidates when it comes to challenging authority within the series. He has no problem calling out Erwin’s plan when he learns that he withheld information about a possible spy from the rest of them, potentially sacrificing lives in the process.
He also initially loses his temper when he learns that there are three trainees besides Annie and Eren with the ability to transform into titans, demanding to know who they are. Erwin is able to calm him down afterward, showing that he also knows when not to take things too far.
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