
Aphelium Review – All Ages of Geek


The Metaverse is full of many surprises. Amazing NFTs, games, and unlimited interaction with like minded people. Today we are going to chat all about Aphelium. This amazing creation is the first Metaverse Discord game. But how does it work? 

Those who are familiar with creating Discord Servers will know all about Discord Bots. Discord Bots serve the purpose of making the function and interaction easier for everyone part of the server. Whoever runs the server will benefit from installing discord bots. But how does Aphelium work? Aphelium will soon be available as a Discord Bot, initially only available in Aphelium’s Discord Server. 

Over on their website you can connect your metamask wallet. You MUST be signed into your Discord account or this will not work. You have the ability to connect more than one wallet on the same Discord account making it much easier for collectors. They will soon have available land for purchase. Over on their website you can check out how to properly purchase land. 

Important steps to get whitelisted

1. Stay active in our community. Reach level 10

2. Follow our twitter account and retweet at least one tweet

3. Invite at least 3 friends in the server

They are also hosting giveaways to win additional xp points! Over on their Twitter you can stay updated with designs and news. They recently showcased the designs of their astronaut avatars! This is a great place for supporters to stay updated with everything they have going on. Check out their amazing designs!

If you want to learn more about this amazing project be sure to check out all of their links. There you will be able to stay updated on release dates, giveaways, and much more! Support them today! You will not regret it.


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