Bill Murray is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In fact, he’s already filmed his super-secretive role. In a new interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Ghostbusters alumnus revealed he just wrapped on a Marvel project. As with most casting news, Marvel Studios has yet to unveil Murray’s involvement, and the actor didn’t specify which character he’d be playing.
“You know, recently I made a Marvel movie. I probably won’t tell you, but never mind. In any case, some people were quite surprised why I decided on such a project. But for me the thing was quite clear: I got to know the director – and really liked him very much,” Murray told the paper (through a translation by Cosmic Circus). “He was funny, humble, everything you want from a director. And with the cheerleader story Bring It On he made a movie years ago, which I think is damn good. So I agreed, although I’m not interested in these huge comic book adaptations as an actor otherwise.”
Rumors had spread earlier this month about Murray’s double potentially being spotted near the film’s London set. For what it’s worth, Murray says it’s unlikely he’ll be back.
“Let’s put it this way: the director is a good guy, and now I’ve at least tried out what it’s like to shoot a Marvel movie,” the comedy legend added. “But I don’t think I need that experience a second time. And to come back to your previous question: I have mostly had a pretty good knack for avoiding the nasties of this industry. Fortunately, most good artists are also good people. At least that’s how I experience it with my friends.”
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is now due out July 28, 2023.
via ComicBook.com