
Annapurna reveals Storyteller, a compact, clever puzzle game about telling tales


In 2013, Daniel Benmergui posted a video showcasing some alpha gameplay from his puzzle game project Storyteller. In 2018 he really committed to it, announcing a partnership with Annapurna Interactive that meant, among other things, that “we *have* to finish it.” And now, in 2021, we’re finally getting a look at how far it’s come in a new trailer revealed today during Annapurna’s online showcase.

In Storyteller, you’re given a setting, a selection of characters, and a title, and have to put them all together in a story that unfolds across a short storyboard. You can tell your tale in any way you like, remaking classics from the past or whipping up something entirely new, as long as it ends the way it needs to: As a tragedy, a love story, or something more specific.


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