Waiting for Spring (Harumatsu Bokura) manga creator Anashin revealed on Twitter on Monday that her Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi manga is going on hiatus for three months because she is giving birth next month. The manga will return in the magazine’s December issue, which is scheduled to ship on October 24.
Anashin debuted the manga in Kodansha‘s Dessert magazine on April 24. The love story follows Yūki Honda, a female college student who has moved from the countryside to Tokyo and now lives alone. With her friend Sanae, she visits the club and encounters a guy who makes a very bad first impression.
Anashin launched Waiting for Spring in Kodansha‘s Dessert magazine in 2014. Kodansha published the manga’s 13th and final compiled book volume in December 2019. Kodansha Comics is publishing the series in English. Anashin debuted a side-story manga about “that person whom everyone is curious about” in November 2019, and Kodansha published a compiled volume for the side story labeled as the series’ 14th volume in May 2020.
The manga was nominated in Kodansha‘s 41st Manga Awards in 2017, and the American Library Association’s (ALA’s) Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) listed the manga in its 2018 list of Great Graphic Novels for Teens.
The manga inspired a live-action film that opened in Japan in December 2018 and ranked at #7 at the Japanese box office.
Source: Anashin‘s Twitter account