In the six episodes of Netflix’s Elves, as young Josefine hides a young elfling, there are a few unanswered questions and plot holes that arise.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Elves, now streaming on Netflix.
In the six episodes of Netflix’s Elves, young Josefine/Jose tries to hide a young elfling she discovers on a mysterious Danish island, Årmandsø. She doesn’t want her family to find out and panic on their Christmas holiday, but things get complicated as Jose realizes the island’s run by a cult, who want to protect the adult elves living underground in the forest, even if it means offering human sacrifices. However, as the story goes from whimsical to a horror, there are a few unanswered questions and plot holes that arise.
Why Have The Island As a Tourist Spot in Netflix’s Elves?
Jose’s family finds a small cabin to rent, akin to an Airbnb, but this doesn’t add up when audiences learn the island’s matriarch, Karen, has tried to keep them isolated. All the people living there are part of the cult, so they should not have had any advertisements out inviting people in. It defeats the purpose of their secrecy, and even then, they could have turned Jose’s family away when the ferry landed. Karen’s also thorough, so it’s odd she didn’t snuff out the invitation in the press and online.
Why Don’t The Elves Burrow Under?
The elves are barricaded in a forest reserve with Karen and her protege, Møller, using electric fences to shut them in. However, the elves burrow up from the ground to eat their sacrifices and attack trespassers. Thus, they should be able to burrow underground as the fence is only above the surface. Season 1 never explains why the dirt-crawlers can’t go past the barrier once they’re sub-surface in order to emerge on the other side.
How Did Kee-ko Sneak Out in Netflix’s Elves?
It’s assumed the elfling, Kee-ko, got out through a hole in the fence early on, only to get knocked down by Jose’s jeep. This leads him to her cabin, where she nurses him back to health and befriends him. However, it’s never confirmed exactly if there was a hole. This would have been a key revelation because the final moments has him slipping out again and latching onto Jose’s car as the family heads back via ferry to the mainland.
Why Did Møller Turn Face in Netflix’s Elves?
Møller ends up being assaulted by Jose’s parents as they want to get into the encampment so they could find her, not knowing she’s trying to get Kee-ko out from the preservation. Eventually, he opts to help them but it’s never explained why. He even turns on Karen, but this doesn’t add up because Møller’s actions endanger the town as the parents short the fence to rescue the girl, letting elves slip out to feed. He should have been pissed at the family’s selfish ways, as they proved Karen right and undid years of hard work by breaking all the enclosure’s rules.
Where Was The Rest of Town in Netflix’s Elves?
In the feeding frenzy, audiences only see the elves attacking one couple; although, many houses are nearby. Viewers never find out how many others they eat. In addition, it’s strange that the remaining folks didn’t gang up as a rebellion to help Møller, Jose and co. fight the rabid adult elves — instead, they just vanish from the plot. It’s also never explained why no one called for help, as the island did have power, except for Karen’s home because she sabotaged the phone line to kidnap Jose.
Why Didn’t Jose Attack Karen in Netflix’s Elves?
Karen drugs Jose and knocks her out to be a sacrifice, hoping the elves would be stated as Jose killed one of their own, but while Karen chains Jose up by her neck in the reserve, Jose’s hands are free. Jose never grabs the older lady or attempts to choke her out. She simply yells, when she could have reached out to make Karen pay.
What Happened To Liv’s Parents in Netflix’s Elves?
Liv is Karen’s granddaughter, who eventually sides with Jose as she’s fallen for Jose’s brother, Kasper. She ends up leaving with the family, not wanting to help Møller rebuild. She’s fed up of all the deaths on the island, even admitting earlier to Kasper that the elves killed her parents. It’s never disclosed how this actually occurred, why they became targets or if Karen was telling her the truth. Karen was the villain, after all, so she could have lied just to make Liv her apprentice.
What’s The Elves’ Origin Story?
Karen confesses the elves were there for centuries as the apex predators, only for humans to come in and displace them. However, audiences don’t know who created the elves, if they’re linked genetically to humans or how humanity managed to get them into the preservation. They do seem powerful, so knowing where they came from and how mankind imprisoned them would have added intrigue to the film and showed why they hated people so much.
See how these plot holes and unanswered questions arise in Elves, now streaming on Netflix.
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