
All Deathloop Yervha quiz answers


When it comes to the Deathloop Yervha quiz answers, there are two ways of getting them, with one being significantly easier than the other. In an unlocked building in Karl’s Bay (at any time of day) you’ll find the robotic Queen of Riddles, who’s compiled a devilishly difficult set of questions about the Deathloop Visionaries that’ll stump all but the most diligent of timeloop sleuths.

The first way is the honest one. You could pore over every bit of intel you find on Blackreef to answer all ten questions in a randomised order, all with eight possible answers. You could just guess them, even though you risk being locked out of the quiz after just a single wrong answer. Or you could do it the quick, cheeky way, and scroll down and find the answers for the Yervha in Deathloop below. Yeah, I thought so.

All Deathloop Yervha quiz answers


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