
After a decade, Kerbal Space Program development is over


After 10 years in active development, Kerbal Space Program has finally released its last big patch. Kerbal Space Program 1.12.2 went live this week as the last major patch in the sustained development of Kerbal Space Program. This follows the release of the huge, free 1.12 update earlier this year, on the 10th anniversary of the game’s release. All hands at Squad will now be primarily working on the sequel, Kerbal Space Program 2, alongside the developers at Private Division.

The new patch is mostly bug fixes, but it does have a few new features—stuff that didn’t make it in time for 1.12. A few of the things are huge, actually, for fans of the game. You can lock docking node rotations so that struts can cross between docked bits, which should result in a bit less wobbly physics on multi-module spacecraft. There’s also the new ground anchor, which after all these years lets you firmly root your offworld bases to the planets they rest on, rather than relying on 


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