Comics Reviews

A Strange Ally Just Revealed How [SPOILER] Never Died


In Power Rangers #10, the Omega Rangers’ strangest ally made the startling discovery that one of the team’s most powerful allies still exists.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Power Rangers #10, available now from Boom! Studios.

Apart from being embroiled in a series of betrayals at home, the next great cosmic threat to the universe has proven to be unstoppable for the Power Rangers thus far. Thankfully the Rangers aren’t alone in their quest, and in Power Rangers #10, by Ryan Parrott, Rachel Wagner, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Ed Dukeshire, their alien feline companion, Yale, has just made a discovery that could change everything for them.

The space-faring Omega Rangers have been keeping busy helping the latest victims of the impossibly powerful Empyreals settle into their new lives on Safe Haven. This unusual lull in their efforts to stave off the latest, greatest threat hasn’t been particularly promising despite the continued efforts of Trini to reach out to the last surviving member of the Emissaries Three. While the Rangers do everything they can to make any amount of headway, Yale has taken the opportunity to explore Safe Haven and keep watch over its most helpless inhabitants. As it turns out, someone else has been keeping watch over the alien feline as well.

As Yale rests peacefully, he hears a kind voice beckoning him elsewhere, and after walking through the hallowed halls of one of Safe Haven’s oldest monuments Yale happens across a chest with an unmistakable etching on its face. The Blue Emissary, previously believed to have been destroyed, has called out to Yale to remedy their greatest mistake.

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The Blue Emissary, like its fellow pseudo-divine brethren, was one of the few beings with a direct connection to the Morphin Grid. As the founder of the Omega Rangers, it was the Blue Emissary who chose each member of the team, including Kiya, who would ultimately betray them. Kiya was already deeply traumatized by the horror that Lord Drakkon had wrought upon reality, and when she learned that the Blue Emissary had imparted the White Light upon this universe’s Tommy Oliver, she snapped.

Kiya brutally murdered the Blue Emissary before leading a group of other beings imbued with Morphin Energy against the Rangers, though she was ultimately defeated. This was an important victory for the Rangers, but the loss of the Blue Emissary proved to be devastating. However, there now appears to be something of the Blue Emissary left on Safe Haven, and the reemergence of this powerful ally could be precisely what the Rangers need to turn the tide of the upcoming battle.

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The Emissaries have long been among the most important figures in the Power Rangers universe, so much so that they have become the last glimmer of hope for the Omegas in fighting the forces of Dark Specter. Finding the remains of the Red Emissary gave the Omega Rangers a beacon with which to follow their quarry, and the Yellow Emissary rejecting Trini’s call for help reaffirmed how alone they are in the fight.

Assuming the Blue Emissary can be channeled somehow, things might finally be looking up just when the heroes need it the most.

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