Comics Reviews

A Prehistoric Dinosaur War Breaks Out in Eternals: Thanos Rises


Eternals: Thanos Rises #1, written by Kieron Gillen, jumps back to prehistoric Earth, revealing the civil war that led to the birth of the Mad Titan.

Eternals: Thanos Rises #1 sees the Eternals go to war on ancient Earth in the events leading up to the origin of Thanos.

The opening pages of the issue, by Kieron Gillen, Dustin Weaver and Matthew Wilson, depict what is described as “The Last Battle Preceding The Titan Schism.” These splash pages separate the supposedly quiet history humans think they know from the epic intergalactic war that secretly took place in the age of dinosaurs. The Eternals appear to be struggling in their fight with the Zurasians, with Ikaris asking A’lars if he has made any progress on creating new Eternals to join their plight. A’lars seems unsure as to whether they could or should create new Eternals, especially under such war-like conditions.

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Originally introduced as Mentor, A’lars is the father of the Mad Titan Thanos. Debuting in 1973’s Iron Man #55, Mentor underwent drastic changes to his backstory, eventually being retconned into an Eternal. His experiments in this issue plant the seeds for the eventual rise of Thanos, who grows to become an enemy not only to the Eternals but also to the Avengers and arguably the universe as a whole, with him famously wiping out half of all living creatures in 1991’s The Infinity Gauntlet storyline.

This is not the only comic to explore a previously untapped section of Eternals history. The one-shot Eternals: Celestia reintroduces a group of prehistoric heroes, the Stone Age Avengers, who engage in battle with the Eternals. Another one-shot, Eternals Forever, pits a brainwashed Ikaris against his friends.

Eternals: Thanos Rises #1 is written by Kieron Gillen, with art by Dustin Weaver, colors by Matthew Wilson and letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles. The issue hits comic shops and digital stores on Sept. 15.

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