A Plague Tale: Requiem, sequel to 2019’s A Plague Tale: Innocence, made its unexpected debut during E3 back in June. That moment came by way of a cinematic trailer, but tonight’s Game Awards provided a first look at gameplay. To the surprise of no one who played the original, there are rats. Lots and lots of rats.
Amicia and Hugo are off on another dark quest and the biggest difference is that Amicia gets her hands a lot dirtier this time around. She’s gone from wielding just a slingshot and hiding in the shadows to firing crossbows in what looks to be more involved combat. Of course, the supernatural rat plague remains the star and the swarm look deadlier (and more visually impressive) than ever.
A Plague Tale: Requiem launches to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in 2022. It’s also launching day one on Xbox Game Pass.