Hey there, survivors and soul-searchers! As we gear up for Lent, let’s take a leaf out of “The Last of Us” playbook. This game isn’t just about dodging Clickers; it’s packed with wisdom perfect for our Lenten journey. Ready to dive into some gritty, real-talk reflections, Joel and Ellie style? Let’s embark on this journey of contemplation, resilience, and maybe even a little redemption.
“I struggle a long time with survivin’, and no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for.”
“After all we’ve been through. Everything that I’ve done. It can’t be for nothing.”
“Guess what, we’re shitty people, Joel. It’s been that way for a long time.” / “No, we are survivors.”
“It’s what she’d want. And you know it.”
“You have no idea what loss is.”
“I’m scared of ending up alone.”
“I’ve been on both sides.”
“Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me. Everyone – fucking except for you!”
“As long as you’re alive, there’s always a chance things will get better.” / “Or they’ll get worse.”
“You’d just come after her.”
“The Last of Us” is a goldmine of life lessons perfect for Lenten reflections. As we journey through these 40 days, let’s keep these gritty, real, and raw insights close. And for a deeper dive into gaming and spirituality, hit up All Ages of Geek’s Patreon.